10 Ideas to Inspire Your Social Media Posting

Do you struggle with what to post on social media?

Virtual Assistants often second guess what they should be putting out there on their own social media channels.

The main thing you need to be doing in your marketing is sharing your expertise.

Anything you post on your business social media profiles, should be information that your potential clients would be interesting in seeing.

Motivational posts are rampant on channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Many people are putting motivational quotes on beautiful images and while they are nice to look at, they aren’t going to tell your clients what you are good at doing.

Now I know what you’re thinking – I can’t post sales stuff all the time. But you don’t have to.

In fact, experts say that you should only post 20 to 25% ‘salesy’ posts, which is a great ratio.

So what do you post the rest of the time?

That’s a lot of content that needs to be non-sales, right?

But non-sales doesn’t mean that it’s not business related. It just means that you shouldn’t have a sales link of any kind in it.

You should still be using your marketing message in many of the other 75% of your posts.

The content you are putting out is to help your potential clients find you – and to help them understand how you can help them with their business.

There are so many things that you can write about on your social media.

Here are 10 ideas to help you write more inspiring stuff  on your social media channels:

1. Balancing Work and Family Life

All entrepreneurs need to know how to balance the challenges of balancing their work life and their family life. If you have some tips that work for you, write about them.

2. Online Tools

What systems or tools do you use to make your work easier? Your potential clients need to know these things as well. Talk about how the tools you use make things easier for you and your clients.

3. Industry Trends and Statistics

When you work with a specific industry or niche, follow leaders in that industry so you can share news, trends and statistics that matter to your clients. Sharing content that other people write is a great way to increase your content without having to write it all yourself.

4. Presentation Tips

If your clients do presentations or speak or teach, tips on how to do that better are always helpful. Simple tips to help them with something they are maybe not that good at make excellent posts.

5. Promotion Ideas

Not everyone knows the best place or method to promote their business. Suggesting good ideas for them can help to build the know, like and trust with you and your expertise.

6. What You Are Doing

Talk about what you are working on. There is no better way for people to really get an understanding of how you can help them – by talking about how your day is going, what you are doing. Whether you are cleaning up a client’s files or email inbox, or helping them launch a new product, that is good information to share, and talks directly about your business.

7. Resources

A lot of people consult social media for resources to help them run their business better. Share ones that you have used or that your clients use, and tell people what makes them great (or not!) If you know of a trade association or an upcoming event that might be of interest to your audience, share it!

8. Product or Service Reviews

A  good review can sell a product or service easily. If you have a good experience, share it. It could make the difference of a client calling you or not. If you have a bad experience, be cautious with how you post it, but don’t be afraid to share it.

9. Problem Solving

Clients who are looking for VAs need a problem solved. Post about a problem you helped someone with, and how you helped them solve it. It doesn’t even have to be a client you helped. If you helped someone in a Facebook group who is not a client, it’s worth sharing.

10. FAQ

What do people ask you about all the time when you are talking business with them? Whatever those frequent topics are, build out posts from those conversations. Sharing your knowledge helps people realize that you can help them.

You should always be marketing – but that definitely doesn’t mean posting ‘check out my services on my website’ posts.

These ideas should give you a better idea of how to weave your expertise into the majority of your online content.

And more than just content, you will increase your interactions by posting more interesting things like these items – and that’s really what you are after – to connect with and build relationships with potential clients!

For some tips on what to do with those interactions, read this article on my blog: 5 Clients in One Month? Yes…