3 Tips for Networking at Live Events

I just returned from attending a live event called Transform in Atlanta, Georgia. The event was hosted by Pamela Bruner, and there were approximately 300 people in attendance.

It was a great teaching experience, but it was also a wonderful networking experience – imagine have 3 or 4 full days to connect with people – that’s a lot of time to make it around the room! This is one of the things that is so great about a live event – getting the time to get to know people better.

So I thought I would give you my best 3 tips for networking at live events like the one I just attended:

1. Move around and be social. Move from table to table if you have the opportunity to do so. When you sit down with a new group of people, introduce yourself and exchange cards with them. Try to have your meal breaks or snack breaks with different people each time. Movers will be remembered by more people and will definitely reach more people.

2. Listen and be interested. When you start to talk with people, ask them about their business or their reason for attending the event or even what they just though of the session they just attended. It will open up the conversation more easily than walking up to them and telling them about you. (People love to talk about themselves!) Ask questions instead of making statements. Be sure to note the answers and keep the conversation going the next time you see them!

3. Don’t forget to follow up. When you leave someone in a networking conversation, decide on an idea on how to follow up with them. Whether it’s emailing them, connecting on social networks, sending them a resource … make a plan and tell them how you will follow up with them. Then when you get home, with 48 hours be sure you do that. They will remember you right away, and the ‘afterglow’ of the event will also help to nurture your new-found friendship, because you are both still excited about having connected.

Whether your event is a morning, a half day or even several days, using these simple tips is a great start to building more relationships with the people you meet.

For more tips and information about how to effectively networking to build your virtual assistant business, visit the Your VA Mentor Facebook page!