What Do You Need to Succeed in Your Virtual Assistant Business?

Almost every new VA I know becomes an information pack rat pretty quickly.

As we begin to forage around looking for information about this industry that we don’t know much about, we start to collect. We collect websites, blogs, articles, free classes, and anything else we can get our hands on. So we can learn.

It’s a great idea – but where do we stop – to apply what we have learned?

One of the things I always tell my students and mentoring clients is to STOP collecting and USE what you have.

The key to success is not to keep collecting at a break-neck speed. The key is to learn valuable information and then implement it into your business.

The pattern can be difficult to establish but really effective once you get into the regular routine.







Recently I have been clearing out some old paperwork in my office and I came across several things that I had downloaded or bought at one time or another. Some of it I have implemented in my business, and others I have not.

It really brought up to mind the advice I give to the people I come in contact with. Walk my talk!

The new things I learn or collect I definitely do that- implement immediately, or put a plan in place to implement. But the old dusty stuff? Still piled up. That was the old me. ☺

So my plan is to go through that information as well, and take what I need out of it – and get rid of the rest.

Clearing the way for new stuff is not only exciting, it’s essential to your success.

By opening up space in your mind, your calendar and your strategic plan for new things to enter, you are opening up your business for new and interesting ways to grow.

Look around your office. What are you stashing that you probably don’t need? I challenge you to go through your piles or your files (even on your computer!) and look at everything you have already collected. Use it or lose it, I say. ☺

First, you’ll probably be surprised at some of the stuff you find. Second, plan to use it, or simply lose it. You’ll be glad you did!

Let me know how your pre-spring cleaning goes – email me at tracey@yourvamentor.com.