Celebrate Your Successes, No Matter How Small

Recently I guess I was multi-tasking without really intending too. I had several big projects on the go – some work, and some personal.

I ended up finishing several of them all at once, or within a few days of each other, and the sense of relief and accomplishment I felt was really great. I shared it on my social media profiles and got really nice feedback from people who knew of one or more of my projects.

This inspired me to go back to my Success Journal. Do you keep one? I have a beautiful journal that a client gave me as thanks for helping her with an event, and I use it as my Success Journal.

A few years ago, I was going through a coaching program, and my coach encouraged us to keep a success journal. What we had to do was to think of five things every day that we had accomplished, no matter how small, and record them in our success journal.

At first I found it difficult to put things in my success journal.

But the more I really looked at my day, the more things I could add. I quickly was able to put in even more than five things every day.

Here are some sample things that I have in mine:

“Got an email from (client) ‘You are the BEST!’ after she had a bad day the day before.”

“Made (client) laugh out loud.”

“Talked my accountability partner through a complicated problem.”

“Researched a better way to do a client task.”

“Had a terrific consult with a potential new client.”

“Helped my son with his homework.”

“Scheduled date night (finally) with my husband.”

“Took a friend to a medical appointment.”

“Called my mother-in-law just to say hi.”

Well that last one’s not true. LOL but you get the picture.

Keeping a success journal is not only essential for your positive mindset, but it’s also really good for you to help you realize your value.

Our business is not always about punching the clock and just getting things done. It’s about watching ourselves grow and realizing all of the value that we bring to our work and our life in general.

When we celebrate our successes – and really make a point of doing it daily – it brings up our mood, our sense of worth. Try it yourself. You will see that all of the little things you do add up quickly.

I posted on my Facebook page that I had started my success journal again and I invited my friends to join me. I had some take me up on it. Will you?