No Problem, I’ve Got It!

Everyone I talk to this summer seems to be running just to keep up. Is that you too? Probably.

With the kids out of school and the nice weather beckoning us, anyone who works from home really can struggle with staying interested in work, and getting it all done.

I don’t usually have that problem, but for some reason this summer the pool is calling to me, and I’m more interested in what my son & husband are doing outside my office.

My clients are also on holidays here and there, and attending a lot of events lately. So our schedule is a little messed up from the steady ‘launch’ phase that preceded the summer months.

So here are a few things I’ve done to help myself stay on track:

1. Checklists. I find that when I am out of my normal routine, checklists really help. Sometimes when I have a lot to do, my brain just works faster and I can keep all those balls in the air more easily. But in the slower months, when more time can lapse between ‘rush’ efforts, it’s easier to forget small details. So I do a checklist for the things that have a lot of steps, and I faithfully follow it to make sure I’ve done everything I’m supposed to.

2. Schedule breaks. I am a pretty regimented worker. I have serious office hours that I don’t work outside of, I schedule all phone calls, I batch my work so I can work most efficiently. But I don’t usually schedule my breaks (you’re probably surprised by that LOL). In the summer, I really do though. That way I can work until I know I’m allowed to stop. And then I can take a longer break than maybe I normally would outside of summer. I find it really helps me stay productive while I’m in the office and then I really enjoy my breaks when I take them. Sometimes I’ll even take 30 minutes and vacuum the swimming pool during my workday. But because I’ve scheduled it in, I know I am not neglecting my work.

3. Unplug. I probably don’t have to say more than that, but when I am relaxing I don’t pick up my email. Down time has to be down time. So on my scheduled breaks or after hours, I really rarely touch it.

4. Let clients call me spontaneously. I know what you’re thinking. I always say not to do this! But in the summer months when we are all trying to enjoy life and just be a little bit more relaxed, sometimes it’s easier for them to quickly pick up the phone to reach me with a last minute request. It usually starts with ‘are you still in the office?’. I understand that they are in the same brain mode as me, so it’s all good.

By doing just a bit of planning, and relaxing the rules a bit, you can actually be more productive. I know I am. ‘No problem, I’ve got it!’

What do you to help ease your workload (or brainload!) in the summer months?