Use this Networking Strategy to Get More VA Clients

Building a business can seem like an impossible uphill climb some days.

You look at your client list, or your revenue, and you might get discouraged if it’s not where you want it to be.

Maybe you don’t have enough clients. Maybe you don’t really like some of your clients. Maybe you don’t think you are making enough (read: charging enough!) money.

But how do you get to where you want to be?

Well, the harsh reality is that you need to get better clients.

And the only way to get better clients is to get connected with the right groups of people.

Look at your client list now. Where did your best clients come from? (Don’t have any clients yet? Book a strategy session with me so we can get you started!)

When you know where you have found good clients, you need to go back there to get more of them.

It’s a pretty simple strategy but it’s really effective. Where there is one, there are many. But you have to get in touch with them!

If you found a client on LinkedIn, then you should be finding out how to leverage your LinkedIn profile and activity to get more.

If you went to a live event and found a great client, you should be planning to go to more live events, so that you can tweak your strategy and find more clients.

If you got a great client from a referral, you should be reaching out to that referral partner again to connect with more great clients.

The strategy is simple: do more of what worked. And yet so many people I come into contact with don’t do it!

Don’t go where you think you need to go – stick with what worked for you already.

And of course when you decide what your preferred ‘place’ to get clients is, develop a plan to actually get them.

Signing new clients takes action, not just activity.

1. Find your potential client ‘place’. I suggest being very active in three places (that can be a LinkedIn group, a local networking group, a Facebook page, or even just in your own address book!)
2. Reach out to (at least) two people per day.
3. Follow up with (at least) two people per day.

In just one month, you will have reached out to about 40 people, and followed up with 40 more (say, from the previous month). And, it should only take you about 15 minutes each day to do it.

The law of averages tells you that you will get new clients when you are taking action and actually talking to people, with a plan of getting more clients.

Making connections and doing follow up is what will fill your client list easily. Sitting back and waiting for them to call will not.

So where are your three places? I love to hold people accountable for what they say they want to do – let me know what your plan is!