5 Tips for Better Health as a Virtual Assistant

Do you ever get to lunchtime and realize you have been sitting at your desk since 8?

Or worse, do you chat away on Facebook on IM with your colleagues and when lunch comes you realize you haven’t done any work yet?

Both scenarios are not good for you. Physically, I mean.

When you don’t take regular breaks, it is hard on your body. When you waste too much time, it is too. You have to catch up at some point, right?

And when you are not actually working (like being on social media) your body language is completely different – watch yourself next time – your posture is probably suffering when you are just playing online versus when you are working.

I have had lots of time in my physiotherapist’s clinic over the years for body issues – mainly repetitive strain injury, and posture-related massage or physio.

Not only has it  been painful, but it has cost me a lot of money!

So here are a few tips for you, to make sure that you are helping your body out, despite having the (oftentimes) gruelling schedule of an entrepreneur!

Schedule breaks. If you need to use a timer on your desk, then do. It is important to get up at least once every hour to get away from the desk and the computer. When you get up, do some light stretching with your arms and shoulders and neck. If possible, get outside for a little fresh air. I like to use www.focusatwill.com that plays timed music to help you stay focus and improve concentration. It’s like musical chairs – when the music stops, you have to stop working!

Ergonomics. I know many people who work on laptops – for me they are too portable. I end up like a pretzel on the couch with my laptop on my lap. Terrible stuff. Be sure to work at a proper desk when possible. Have a good chair and keep your feet on the floor in front of you. Ergonomic positioning is something to strive for all the time, and your body will thank you for it. Trust me! Here’s a neat checklist from our Ministry of Labour. Very thorough!

No meals or snacks at your desk. Eating at your desk is a huge ergo no-no. For one thing, it definitely makes you stay in front of your computer longer than you should. For another, it probably forces you into a more casual sitting position which is bad for your posture.  It’s so much more enjoyable to changed your scenery (and your thoughts), so just do it.

Up your water intake. It’s easy to drink coffee or soft drinks all day long. But it’s so easy to have water at your desk, and it’s so much better for you. If you want a hot tea or a soft drink, get up from your desk and go and enjoy it. Come back to work and keep your water flowing. It’s easy to get your recommended daily water intake when it’s all that’s at your desk!

Go to the office. Despite the fact that we work from home, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to pretend you are going to an outside office. Take a shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed. Pyjamas sure are easy, but you will never feel like the professional you are if you go from bed to desk in ten steps. High heels are optional of course. 🙂

Take care of your mind and body with these simple tips, and your body will thank you by remaining healthier.

The grind of the solopreneur can sometimes wear you down. By making very simple shifts in the way you handle yourself during the day, you can have more energy, be more productive and simply be a better business owner.

I’d love to hear some of your tips too! Share on my Facebook page. I’ll start!

For more tips on healthy working, visit my blog.