My Challenge to You

We are heading into the final quarter of the year already. So with the beginning of a new quarter upon us, it’s time for a challenge!

Pick a goal, any goal.

No, not really.

Pick one of these goals:

1. Get one new client.
2. Develop a new daily routine.
3. Set communication boundaries for your clients.
4. Raise your rates.
5. Set up or update your networking calendar.

Okay so there are five good goals. Pick one that you want to achieve.

Now here is the challenge. Set the deadline to achieve that goal in 30 days. Write the deadline on your calendar.

State your intention.

So today is September 23rd. If you choose number one, ‘I will get one new client by October 23rd.’

If you choose number two, ‘I will develop a new daily routine by October 23rd.’

You get the idea.

Post your intention on your social media channels. Tell your accountability partner or coach. Write it on a whiteboard or piece of paper and stick it above your computer monitor so you can see it every day.

Now … take your idea one step further and start to plan your action steps.

What do you need to do to achieve your goal? What are the actual steps?

Break those down into a list and start to assign deadlines to those as well.

For instance, for number 3, maybe you need to make a list of your clients, a list of your communication methods and boundaries that are not in place currently. For number 4, maybe you need to go through your client list and look at who is paying what, and how you bill them, and how you want to adjust those things.

Break things down into the smallest of chunks. You should have many steps, not just a couple of big ones.

Look at the list of steps you need. Do they require getting help or support from someone else? If so, detail that as well. Who will help? What is the timeline?

Now assign reasonable deadlines to everything. Add those to your calendar.

The key here is not to overwhelm yourself, but to put yourself into motion and keep moving forward.

So if you choose number 5, maybe tomorrow you just look at a list of events and choose the ones you want to attend. Maybe you register for a couple. Maybe you contact a few colleagues to see who else is going.

You get the idea.

Goals are important in getting us moving and moving us forward.

But many people approach them the wrong way. The system is the important thing.

Plan the goal, decide the steps and take action.

So let’s get started! Pick your goal and get moving. You can do it! Let’s make the next 30 days really count!

I’d love to hear what your goal is. Email me to let me know!

If you need help with goal setting, check out my free Back to Basics session on Goal Setting.

And yes, of course … I’m setting my own goal as well. I’ll post it to my social media profile.