How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year always brings new intentions. It’s a fresh start, and everyone has new ideas they want to implement into their life and business. I know I do!

I laugh as I look through my social media news feeds and see people joking about the increase in traffic at the gym.

That’s always one of the biggest resolutions people have.

To get in shape. Go to the gym.

But by the end of January, many of those people just stop going.

I have friends who tell me that they actually don’t go to the gym in January because the newbies are all there, but by the end of January it’s safe for them to head back because it starts to clear out as people give up.

Why does this happen?

Simple. The ones who make the resolution don’t have realistic expectations or strategies.

A goal is not ‘to lose weight. to go to the gym more. to go to the gym every day.’ when you have never gone before.

One of the biggest reasons for failure is that the intention is too big.

No matter what your resolution is, make sure you break it down so it’s manageable.

Like if you are planning to go to the gym, don’t go from zero to 60. Start out by going once or twice a week to get yourself into a habit. Then increase the time you go. Set real goals – ones that you can handle.

You will ease yourself into your new ‘normal’ and you will build it steadily, which is the way you can be guaranteed to keep your New Year’s resolution!

If you decide to eat better, make a specific plan. You can’t do it all at once, so start small and make a plan to build.

The same goes for your business.

dowhatyousay-larrywingetWhen you set a goal, make sure it’s manageable.

My New Year’s resolution is to do what I say I’m going to do.

I had great intentions to launch several programs for you last year, but I didn’t. Client work and other unimportant stuff got in my way, and I put my own plans on the back burner.

And so this year I have vowed not to let that happen.

So how can I do it? Simple. I have downsized my client work so I have more time and energy to focus on the teaching and coaching I want to do with you.

I know what my goals are each month and I have developed plans to work through them in actionable, bite-sized pieces (just like I teach you!).

So I am excited to keep my resolution. Because I’ve planned to do it properly.

I challenge you to do the same!