It Takes a Minimum of 21 Days to Form a New Habit

Lately I have been working on a new strategy to market my business.

My business has changed completely in the last year – totally planned changes! – I have gone from running a full time VA business of my own, with some VA training and coaching on the side – to now owning two VA associations, and having my training and coaching at the forefront, and my VA business considerably downsized.

It’s been a complete flip – and with that come new challenges.

I have earned my main income from my VA business for many, many years now. I know how to market it. I know how to network for it. I know how to find clients whenever I want them.

To switch gears to a different business model, with different (much lower!) pricing, and a completely different audience is a challenge.

It requires developing completely new strategies.

And part of implementing new strategies is developing new habits.

I have been doing a lot of planning up till this point, and now it’s time to step into action.

But I’m not used to this new stuff I have to do! So that is where the new habit stuff comes in…

It’s so exciting! (and terrifying, yes!) But more exciting than terrifying, because I’ve got a plan to follow.

The hardest thing for me at this point is truly developing the new habits. I have been at this a long time and new things can be difficult to introduce to your daily routine.

But I’m up for it! One of my habits is to have a morning shower – LOL – keep reading to find out why!

Here are a few of the things I have to change into new habits:

1. Daily connections in my social media profiles

2. Weekly teaching online and in person

3. Monthly connections at local and online networking events

Those sound pretty normal don’t they?

But without a habit, they often don’t get done.

So my action steps include daily tracking of my networking and social media, so I can tweak as I go. Easy enough. When I am growing my business I always do this, so it will be easy to implement.

But the morning shower – this is a biggie! I have always had my shower in the afternoon for a number of reasons. Mostly because there are two fellows in my house who have to get out for work or school in the morning. Because I work from home, I was always third.

The other reason is that I get up much earlier than anyone else in my house. So to move around and shower and do my hair (never mind singing a tune or two LOL!) is noisy. So I have always waited. And the afternoon shower habit formed.

But that means that I can’t do video or talking head videos anytime I want. It hasn’t been a big issue for me running a referral-only VA business, but it is an issue with my new focus of teaching. So here I am, having to change a funny habit.

Isn’t it interesting to realize some of the habits you have to change to build your business?

I’ve challenged myself to have a shower before 9 am every day until the habit sticks.

So far so good – they say it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a new habit – so I’ll circle back at the end of the month to check in with you on this one!

If you start to notice more talking head training and video stuff from me – you’ll know the habit is sticking! It’s really been the only thing holding me back, believe it or not.

Whether you need to form some new habits, or just need to adjust the balance in your life, this blog post might help!