3 Tips To Help You Avoid Rabbit Holes in Your Social Media Marketing

Are you spending more time on social media than you should?

Most of us have to answer yes to this question.

We are all married to our phones, and, by extension, to our social media accounts. 

It’s easy to surf hours away when you aren’t paying attention to what you are doing.

But when you are using social media for your business marketing, you have to make sure you aren’t constantly going down rabbit holes. As we found out in Alice in Wonderland, sometimes forever is just one second!

Here are 3 simple tips to make sure that your social media is under control and that you are helping it work for your business:

Set a goal.

What do you want to accomplish? This is important to know for every platform, every campaign, every post. What is the outcome you are seeking? Try to set goals that you can accomplish in 15 to 20 minutes. A focused goal can be accomplished in a short time period when it’s all you are focused on during that time. In 15 minutes, you can do a lot when you know what you want to accomplish.

Action: Set 15 minutes aside each day this week. Set one goal for each time slot. Review at week’s end. 

Set a time limit.  

If you are losing time, this is even more important. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Stop when the timer goes off. What did you get done? What derailed you? Keeping business and personal social media is easy when you are purposefully ‘online’ for business. Save personal stuff for another time block. This is a hard habit to start, but you reap so many rewards when you get more focused on what you are doing, and when you are doing it.

Action: Put the business social media time blocks into your calendar every day this week. Review at week’s end to see how focus helps! 

Clarify your message. 

When you know what your clients want to see, hear or read about, it’s easier to plan your content. Be sure that the majority of your social media posts are about how you can help your clients. Motivational quotes are great but without context they are just pictures and words. Your clients need to see that you can help them in their business. That’s what will make them work with you. 

Action: Review your posts for the last week. How many were about helping clients? Start to develop your content around how you help.

These 3 tips are simple in principle, but take some getting used to. Old habits die hard, they say, and they are right! 

If you want some help to develop new, better work habits and routines, with accountability for your goals, our Inspired community could be the place for you. Read more about our group here: www.yourvamentor.com/inspired.

We are a tight knit group of professionals who are getting things done in our businesses because we have the support we need to do it. It’s a (very) low-cost, high-value coaching alternative.

If you aren’t sure if the group is for you, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Cut to the Chase call with me: www.yourvamentor.com/15-min. We will talk about where you are in your business now, and where you want it to go. I will help you figure out your next step so you can move your business in the direction you want it to go!