Are You Struggling With a Business Mindset?

It probably sounds kind of woo-woo to talk about intangible things like mindset, but how you think about your business often dictates how you act, and how successful you are.

“You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” – Marianne Williamson

Isn’t that a great quotation? It is true. A positive mindset goes a very long way in everyday life.

Think about it. When you start your day focusing on things that make you annoyed, or anxious, or upset you in any way, what kind of a day do you think you will have?

The key is to consciously decide how to change your thoughts so you elevate your mood and your thoughts.

If one of the areas you struggle with staying positive is trying to find clients, then you might get dragged down by the process. You might second guess your value, your rates, your marketing strategy, everything. Many people dread sales (even some salespeople!). You are not alone here.

But when you reframe that thought and think of selling as help, it is much more positive. And it’s true. You are in business to help your clients. They need you to help them so they can do better in their business. Don’t think of getting clients are selling. Think ‘who can I help today?’ and then have conversations with people about exactly that.

As a business owner, we have many things that need to get done – and almost everything we do means making decisions. You can quickly get overwhelmed if you struggle with making decisions. You might even second guess yourself or change your mind.

Your business can not move forward if you don’t take action. When you need to make a decision, do the research. Seek advice from people who are further ahead than you. And then assess the information you collect and make a choice. Trust yourself. You are brilliant and you know your business better than anyone.

Business is tough. Not every day, but some days. Hopefully you will have many more good days than bad. But one thing that can really get you down is letting things get emotional. If you are tired or frustrated it can be easy to take things personally.

Mental toughness is a very good skill to practice if you want to be in business long term. The thing to remember is that business is business. It’s not personal. When communicating with clients, be brief and to the point. Include the facts, and don’t let emotion come into it. You are your client’s equal, not their staff. Practice resiliency every day.

If you are struggling in your business, have a look at how you are talking to yourself – how you are thinking – and look at the impact that is having on your actions (or lack of action). By shifting a few things every day you can move into a more positive frame of mind and your business will take an upturn too. Try it!

If you are struggling with your mindset, pick up a copy of my ebook 8 Steps to Starting Your VA Business – and do my Skills Inventory exercise to help you see how valuable you are to your clients! Learn your new way to think, so you can master a new way to be.