Business Lessons from the Demolition Derby

Recently, we went to the demolition derby at our local fair.

It was crazy.

So many cars strategically smashing into others so they could be the winner of their heat and go on to the finals.

Watching them, I saw their strategies, the split second decisions they made, and the actions they took, as they tried to be the last man standing.

It was fun, and fascinating.

This is my cousin’s car before the finals (he placed 3rd out of more than 30 derby cars). It was pretty new looking when he arrived. (before pic courtesy of RW Tomlinson)

He beat his car (and his body) up, but he came third! Many other cars had to be carried out of the ring by tractors after their heat. He undoubtedly had a blast, but he also took home a trophy!

What business lessons can Virtual Assistants take from a demolition derby? I saw a few!

Don’t be afraid to get in the ring.

You can do it! All it really takes to get started is the desire. And the right tools. When we hesitate or make excuses for not getting started, we only punish ourselves. You know you want to be an amazing VA – and you know, deep down, that you are capable.

Don’t let the fear stop you from taking the steps forward that you need to helping all of the clients that need you!

Be prepared to make decisions.

Without decisions you are just idling, and you’ll be removed from the race unless you take action. This is also so true in business. A lot of Virtual Assistants I talk to get stuck in the research phase, or the learning phase – always looking for more information, or trying to learn something else before they get going.

You make decisions every day – you decide when to get up, what to eat, what to wear, what to do. You are capable of making decisions. Now let’s make some about your business and start moving forward!

Don’t worry about taking a few hits.

You won’t get everything right the first time, but keep at it and you will get better with practice. We can’t possibly do things perfectly from the start. You have to accept that you will make mistakes, but that all it takes to fix a mistake is to something else. Have confidence in yourself and know that failure is really just a lesson to learn on your way to success.

Learn how to win.

When you get solid advice that you can implement you will start to see the success you crave. It’s funny to talk about being a successful VA as winning, but it really is! Every little success that you can celebrate gets you closer to the success that you envisioned for yourself. If you can’t figure it out on your own, be sure to seek out the advice that will help you get there.

Creating your VA business and doing it well is not as hard as it looks, it just takes some guts to move forward.

And it definitely doesn’t hurt as much as getting hit by a car!


What will you do today to move yourself forward?

What You Should Do Next:

If you need some help to get past the fear of making a move in your VA business, The Virtual Circle is where you need to be. It is a small group of professional VAs who are getting things done in their business through weekly support and training. It’s a low cost, high-value coaching alternative to private coaching. A monthly mastermind group that helps you get to where you want to go.

If you are struggling through your VA business, check out this group to see if it’s the right time for you! Registration is open now.