Still Waiting to Get Your First Virtual Assistant Client?

Not much bothers me more than hearing a Virtual Assistant say they are ‘waiting’ for their first client.

It’s a common turn of phrase – when something hasn’t arrived yet, we are awaiting it.

But a lot of VAs I know are actually doing exactly that – waiting for the client to contact them.

And waiting ….

Why does it bother me so much? Because I know that if they just took action, they would get that client.

Being in business means finding clients and making sales. Without sales, you have no revenue, and without revenue, you have no business.

Virtual Assistants usually don’t have sales experience – and so waiting for clients is simply something that is common because we don’t  know what we should be doing to find them.

And because there are so many others in the same boat, we think it’s normal to wait.

But it’s definitely not!

I see it in the VA groups – ‘I’m still waiting on my first client!’ ‘Me too!’ ‘Same!’.

Ask any busy VA how they got their clients, and they will tell you that it was hard work, or that they networked, or that they sought out referrals … that they took action.

The good news is that it really isn’t that hard to take action!

It doesn’t really take a ton of fancy strategy, or spending money on ads, or even writing a lot of blog posts and social media content.

The one thing you really need to do is have conversations with business owners that you can help.

Putting yourself into conversations with people that need you is the quickest way to finding great clients.

I tell you all the time – talk to just 2 people a day, and that’s 40 to 60 conversations every month (40 if you take weekends off!) 😊.

When you have 40 business conversations a month, you will get clients. The numbers work in your favour every single time.

Where are you spending your time? If it’s not networking with business owners, then that’s the one change you need to make in your business – and it will reap rewards. Very quickly.

Supplement those daily interactions with simple content that your audience is interested in, and voila you have an easy marketing plan that brings clients in to your VA business.

If you need a few tips to help you network better as a VA, be sure to listen to this episode of my podcast.

Stop waiting. Take a small daily action. Get comfortable with simple conversations.

That’s all it takes to start getting great clients!

What You Should Do Next:

If you need some help with reaching out to business owners to have those conversations, you need to join The Virtual Circle today.

TVC is a small group of professional VAs who are getting things done in their business through weekly support and training.

It’s a low cost, high-value coaching alternative to private coaching a monthly mastermind group that helps you get to where you want to go.

If you are struggling through your VA business at all it’s time to sign up. Your investment of $129 can translate into clients in just ONE month, because we will help you set up your plan and take those daily actions. Let’s go! If you are struggling through your VA business, check out this group to see if it’s the right time for you!