getting virtual assistant clients

Who Are You Accountable To?

What is it they say about the best laid plans? I think it’s something about planning being futile when you aren’t certain of what the actual outcome will be. That may be true if you make plans or goals in your business and you don’t have a strategy in place to roll it out, but it can also be true if you don’t have someone there to make sure it gets done. Who are you accountable to in your business? You are a small business owner. You probably work on your own for the most part (maybe with some support of your own, but maybe not yet). So who keeps you on track? Do you do it yourself? Do you… Read More »Who Are You Accountable To?

3 tips to help you find your target market

When you decide to get started as a Virtual Assistant, it’s generally because you have administrative skills that you have acquired over a series of jobs, and you want to start to work from home for one reason or another. But it’s important to realize that once you are home, sitting at your desk with your new business cards staring back at you, that you will need to market your business in order to build up a client base. Many VAs make the mistake of thinking they can help everyone. When you don’t focus on specific groups of people to connect with, you end up blurring the message you are sending out, and quite often you won’t be heard. By… Read More »3 tips to help you find your target market

Have you defined your target market?

Many Virtual Assistants who are just getting started make one big mistake … they think they can provide support for anyone. The question – ‘Who is your target market?’ often brings the response ‘Oh, I can help everyone. Everybody needs my services.’ While this is not exactly a false statement (many people need a variety of services that a VA can offer), it will really slow down the funnel of clients that you will attract. It doesn’t matter if you are just getting started or if you are looking to expand or grow your business. Getting specific about who you are serving is the fastest way to grow your client list. By really understand who you are serving, and how… Read More »Have you defined your target market?

Who Is Your Ideal Client?

I had a conversation with a VA last week who was trying to decide who her ideal client was. She had selected a market to work with that she thought would be a ‘good market’ because they needed a lot of support.