work life balance

Q&A: Should I Start a VA Business?

Many administrative professionals are starting to discover the Virtual Assistant industry, and are asking questions about how to get started. In my networking circles, the admin professionals who want to get into the VA industry are hesitant because they are not sure of the earning potential of being a VA. They are concerned that their job security will be gone by deciding to go out on their own. This is a real fear, and there is some validity to it if you do not do your research before getting into business. I have also come across a lot of new VAs who got started without the proper preparation and research, and who are now struggling to find clients. The good… Read More »Q&A: Should I Start a VA Business?

What do you do with your ‘down time’?

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, there often seems like there is very little down time from your business. If you are not working with clients, you are probably working on marketing tasks or managing your support team. You are planning goals and programs, and laying out launch procedures.

Nurture Your Most Important Asset

When you work from home, sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the ‘liberty’ of it all – setting your own work hours, not having to commute, and working when you want to work. And while all of those things are in fact true and very possible … in order to grow a really successful business, you also need to realize that your business growth depends on you, and only you.

Smart Tips for Healthy Working

When you are working from home, without the coworkers popping over to your desk or office to chat, it can be easy to forget to take breaks. It is sometimes a chore to remember to eat! But it’s important for your body to ensure that you are paying attention to these things, to keep yourself in optimum health, and away from the physiotherapist’s office! Time yourself and schedule breaks. If you need to use a timer on your desk, then do so. It is important to get up at least once every hour to get away from the desk and the computer. When you get up, do some light stretching with your arms and shoulders and neck. If possible, get… Read More »Smart Tips for Healthy Working

Schedule Some Down Time from Your VA Business!

One of the places that many VAs get trapped in is the ‘working all the time’ syndrome. It is a big job to run your own business, and there is no question there is always something that needs doing. But if Jack Nicholson taught us anything, it’s that all work and no play is not a good thing. You can’t bring your best brain and your best attitude to your business unless you are certain to make time to step away from it to recharge. By taking time for yourself – whether it’s to physically care for yourself, or just to do something that inspires you and lifts your spirits, ‘down time’ is a great thing to be sure to… Read More »Schedule Some Down Time from Your VA Business!