grow your virtual assistant business

Is Your Email System Working for You?

Staying organized is a really important part of being a successful VA. Working with more than one person usually means a lot of communication using things like email. I have always had fairly organized email where my clients are concerned – two folders per client – one active and one completed. The active folder items get filed to completed as they get done, and the completed folder items get purged at the end of 60 days. It’s a good system and it helps me keep my inbox and my task lists organized. But the other emails that come into my inbox are the ones that I recently realized were creating a problem for me. I have a ‘Read Later’ folder,… Read More »Is Your Email System Working for You?

Keep your clients on top of their game

Do you regularly step back and look at your business to be sure it’s running the way it’s supposed to? If you do, that’s a good thing. It’s important to look for gaps or inconsistencies in your service offerings for your clients. One of the things you should look at is whether you are keeping your clients at the top of their game. Ask yourself these questions: 1. Are there new trends emerging in marketing that my client should be incorporating into their business? 2. Is there a new area of support I could be providing for my clients? 3. Are the things we are doing together being measured, and are they working? These are just a few questions you… Read More »Keep your clients on top of their game

7 Business Lessons I Learned From High School

Have you ever thought about your high school days, and wondered what kinds of lessons you may have left on the table? High school is such a formative time in everyone’s life, and sometimes the underlying messages that we are taught doesn’t stick with us into adult life … at least not until we sit back to reflect on them. I have been thinking about my high school days lately, and realizing that there are many lessons that I learned in high school that are very relevant to my business now, if I just look at them from a different perspective. Think about it – the lyrics to all the songs you used to listen to in high school just… Read More »7 Business Lessons I Learned From High School

Are you a good student?

Many Virtual Assistants find themselves, at one time or another, looking around for various types of training to help them enhance their businesses. If you have taken any training courses or programs … have you been a good student? There are many ways that you can evaluate yourself as a student: 1. Is the timing right? When you decide to take a course, is it something that you will be able to implement in your business right away? If not, the timing is probably not right for you to take the course at this time. The material and lessons that you will come away from the course with need to be brought into your business immediately in order to be… Read More »Are you a good student?

3 Things You Need To Include In Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing your business can be a confusing thing if you aren’t all that familiar with the concept of marketing. We talk a lot about your ideal client, and how identifying them will help you to build a more effective marketing strategy. When you are getting started, it can feel like no one even notices you, and if you are just putting up a list of services that you provide that might even be the case. That’s why it’s important to get specific about a few things and use those things to build a strategy to get clients to notice you. 1. Know who you can best support or serve. The services you provide are probably ‘in need’ in several industries,… Read More »3 Things You Need To Include In Your Marketing Strategy

Nurture Your Most Important Asset

When you work from home, sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the ‘liberty’ of it all – setting your own work hours, not having to commute, and working when you want to work. And while all of those things are in fact true and very possible … in order to grow a really successful business, you also need to realize that your business growth depends on you, and only you.

Who Is Your Ideal Client?

I had a conversation with a VA last week who was trying to decide who her ideal client was. She had selected a market to work with that she thought would be a ‘good market’ because they needed a lot of support.