email management

Favourite Tools for VAs: Roundcube Webmail

Roundcube Webmail is one of my favourite tools to access email anywhere. If you are like me, you have several clients and they all want to set up an email address for you so you can communicate with them and their clients. I used to set these folks up in my Gmail, until my Gmail got filled up. Now I choose to access their email from Roundcube, a web-based program, and that means I can log in when I need to, to work directly on their stuff. It is liberating for me and it is a super easy way to keep things organized, since only that email information is contained in the webmail program. Sometimes simple really is best. I… Read More »Favourite Tools for VAs: Roundcube Webmail

Taming the Email Monster

Last year I switched my email from Outlook Express (that downloaded onto my computer) to webmail. I had started to travel more and it made sense for me to have access to my stuff anywhere I was. But one problem occurred – I found that I didn’t keep a handle on how much email was actually in my inbox, simply because it wasn’t taking up space on my computer anymore. I used to delete mass amounts of email at the end of every month when I used Outlook Express. Well, occasionally I still do that with my webmail, but not often enough. I find it frustrating to search through my email to find stuff I need when there is just… Read More »Taming the Email Monster

Are You an E-Hoarder?

I was recently reading a blog post from Leslie Shreve, of Productive about E-Hoarding. As a virtual business owner, I’m always trying to find new ways to keep myself organized and to tame the various forms of clutter that I seem to collect. And while I am admittedly a collector of many things that I probably don’t need (my husband would laugh at that one!)  one of the things I actually do have good control over is my email. I have a system in place to keep my email clean and clear, and although I still probably have more ‘on file’ than many people, I am confident that my system works for me. What do I do? First,… Read More »Are You an E-Hoarder?

Email Management Tips

As a Virtual Assistant, there are few things that are more important than email to help run your business. But if you don’t have a good email management system in place, you can get overloaded very quickly, and sometimes that can cause problems like lost time while looking for emails, and can even contribute to distraction and overwhelm.