how much to charge

Setting Your Rates So Your VA Business is Profitable

How did you arrive at your rates for your VA business? If you didn’t do any calculations, you need to read this. Setting your rates is one of the most important things you need to do properly in your Virtual Assistant business. Rates that are too low will cut into your profitability, and might even put you out of business. Rates that are too high can also keep you from getting clients, if you aren’t looking in the right place, or if you can’t articulate the value you are bringing to clients. If you have not done the ‘math’ to set your rates, it’s time to look at that. Here’s how you need to do this: What Do You Need… Read More »Setting Your Rates So Your VA Business is Profitable

What Do You Charge For Your Virtual Assistant Services?

Most Virtual Assistant have heard the question, “What do you charge?” at least once. Consumers want to know how much something is going to cost before they buy. For Virtual Assistants, this can be a sticky point. I have had lots of conversations with many VAs who dread having to answer this question. There are a number of reasons why this might be, but the biggest one by far is the lack of confidence with the rate you have set for your services. Why is it that so many of us seem to second guess our rate structure when talking with a potential client? t’s simple. It’s a fear of rejection. You think they’ll say no. It’s important to develop… Read More »What Do You Charge For Your Virtual Assistant Services?