setting your rates

How Much Should You Charge as a Virtual Assistant?

Figuring out your rates is probably one of the scariest things you can do as a VA. Not really, but it sure feels like that. How do you put a price on your value? This is one of the most often asked questions in the VA forums and by my coaching clients. You decide to open a VA business. You know what services you can offer. But you have no idea how to price it. How much is too high? How much is too low? The truth is, it’s actually pretty easy to figure out. I developed a simple rate calculator many years ago that helps you look at your rates easily and figure out what makes sense for you. Check… Read More »How Much Should You Charge as a Virtual Assistant?

What’s The Right Price to Charge For Your VA Services?

How much do you charge for your services? How comfortable do you feel talking about money with clients or potential clients? Are you happy with how much money you end up with at the end of each month? Consider these three questions, and think about how you charge. If you are not reacting positively to all three of these questions, you may not be charging the right price. Pricing can be a huge challenge in any service business. Think about it, you are are asking people to pay for your value. Yes you are completing tasks for them, but really your value comes down to what you bring to the table. So how do you prove how valuable you are?… Read More »What’s The Right Price to Charge For Your VA Services?

What’s Your Earning Potential as a Virtual Assistant?

One of the questions I get asked often is how much money a VA can make. Well, the answer to that question is similar to the answer to this one: how long is a piece of string? The fact is that when you are a small business owner, you are the one in control of how much you earn in your business. If you want to have a small, part time business that allows you to be at home for your family and work around a busy schedule, then you can choose to do that. If you want to work full time as a solopreneurs, and work only during regular business hours, and you just want to replace the income… Read More »What’s Your Earning Potential as a Virtual Assistant?

Are You Still Charging by the Hour as a Virtual Assistant?

When you started your Virtual Assistant business, it was probably easy to charge your clients by the hour. But in order for your business to grow and be successful, the ‘trading time for money’ model quickly falls short. Why? For one thing, there are only so many hours in a day/week, so you can quickly max out the amount of money you can make in your business. For another thing, it’s much harder to raise your rates with your current clients. And that means if you get so busy that you need to bring on subcontractors to help, you may not be able to earn enough to keep your business successful. These are just two simple reasons why charging by… Read More »Are You Still Charging by the Hour as a Virtual Assistant?

What’s Your Earning Potential As a Virtual Assistant?

One of the questions I get asked often is how much money a VA can make. Well, the answer to that question is similar to the answer to this one: how long is a piece of string? The fact is that when you are a small business owner, you are the one in control of how much you earn in your business. If you want to have a small, part time business that allows you to be at home for your family and work around a busy schedule, then you can choose to do that. If you want to work full time as a solopreneurs, and work only during regular business hours, and you just want to replace the income… Read More »What’s Your Earning Potential As a Virtual Assistant?

I Still Don’t Know How Much to Charge

Recently I received a question from a virtual professional who was trying to decide on her rate structure. She had listened to my audio teleclass ‘How Much Should I Charge?’ and she got really great material out of it, but was still stuck on actually setting her rates. So we had a chat and here is what I helped her figure out: She was starting a new area of her business – one that she hadn’t unveiled before – basically she would be doing group workshops/talks for groups of people. Previously she had not done this before. So there was unknown territory right from the start. She has a lot of experience and so she had worked out four or… Read More »I Still Don’t Know How Much to Charge

Keep Track – And Make More Money

One of the most difficult parts of running a VA business, is making sure that you are paid properly for your time and effort. I’m not talking about your rates … I’m talking about tasks – the work you do every day. Whether you charge by the hour or by the project, you have to have some idea of the expectation of time it will take to complete your client’s work. If you don’t know that, you could be losing money. So do you track all of your time? If you don’t, you really should. Here are three models that you can charge your clients by … and why tracking your time for each of them can help make you… Read More »Keep Track – And Make More Money

What Do You Charge For Your Virtual Assistant Services?

Most Virtual Assistant have heard the question, “What do you charge?” at least once. Consumers want to know how much something is going to cost before they buy. For Virtual Assistants, this can be a sticky point. I have had lots of conversations with many VAs who dread having to answer this question. There are a number of reasons why this might be, but the biggest one by far is the lack of confidence with the rate you have set for your services. Why is it that so many of us seem to second guess our rate structure when talking with a potential client? t’s simple. It’s a fear of rejection. You think they’ll say no. It’s important to develop… Read More »What Do You Charge For Your Virtual Assistant Services?