How Committed Are You To Success In Your VA Business?

In preparation for my group mastermind and hosting my own mastermind, I have been faced with this question often: how committed are you to your success?

I think all of us that get into business for ourselves have some level of commitment at the start. Whether we foster that commitment or let it fizzle out is really an important thing.

If we forget why we got into business to begin with, the commitment can be watered down with the everyday icky stuff that comes with business.

And we can become unhappy. Or even resentful. And trust me, neither of those attitudes will have success showing up at your door.

How committed are you to your success?

What is it that stops you from doing what it takes to be successful?

What motivates you to do better?

These are all questions that need to be asked – and the answers monitored – regularly.

If you are stuck in the day to day routine, it’s time to shake it up.

Commit to doing better. Commit to being better. And I promise you the steps to success will present themselves to you. And you will see them!

Here’s a simple exercise that can help: Get a pen and paper and write down all of the things that you love about working for yourself. Now write down all of the things you don’t love about it. Looking at the list of the things you don’t like, how can you change those things to make them more positive? Are there steps you can take to correct the negativity in the thoughts?

Positive thinking is something we must practice regularly.

Think about why you got into business in the first place. Think about what is it you love about it. Plan to do more of those things!

Commitment comes from focusing on the positive, setting goals and then putting action steps into place to achieve those goals.

Commitment also takes support. That’s why I am working with a coach and attending a mastermind (and hosting a mastermind!). Committing to the success begins with getting the support and training that you need to be able to move forward.

Investing in your business is a great way to commit – stretching yourself is only possible when you step outside of your comfort zone. Spend money. Ask for advice. Do more than you are doing now. I promise you, it will work!

Take one step to commit to building your business this week. Let me know what it is! I’d love to cheer you on!