va success

Do You Dream Big?

Have you ever made a vision board? I attended a workshop last week that was hosted by a colleague – it was called Grilled Cheese and Girl Talk. Why on Earth would I not attend such an event?! (you had me at grilled cheese!) The workshop was put on for us to make vision boards. And they even fed us, courtesy of MLTDWN. Wow. So good! I am not a creative person. I honestly have done so many personality tests and brain tests and my creativity is almost totally stifled by my logical side of my brain. So I never GOT what it was to do a vision board. I have never done one prior to last week. Sure I set… Read More »Do You Dream Big?

7 Simple Tips to Building a Sustainable Virtual Assistant Business

This week I am celebrating my 7th anniversary of Your VA Mentor (I began teaching in 2010). It’s very exciting, and it occurred to me that perhaps I should share my tips with you, for how to remain in business long-term. They are simple tips, and they are ones that I have lived by over the last 7 years. Now granted I have not run Your VA Mentor full time up until now, but I have spent a lot of time and money keeping it in business to serve you – and I’ve done it by using the tips below! 1. Start with your passion.  Whatever you decide to do in your business, know that you will have hard times.… Read More »7 Simple Tips to Building a Sustainable Virtual Assistant Business

You Are Better Than You Think You Are

Stop what you are doing and just breathe. If you are reading this, you are probably in front of your computer, or your phone … online. The busy-ness of the days flies by with all of the technology in our faces and in our minds. We strive to keep up and we often run from task to task without really realizing that we are likely in need of a break. So I want you to stop right now. Breathe. And regroup. Think about what you have going on around you – in your business, I mean. How many clients do you have? What type of networking are you doing? How is your marketing going? Do you feel like you are… Read More »You Are Better Than You Think You Are

Time to Celebrate!

The last few weeks we have had a few parties at our house celebrating various events. Celebrating is always so much fun, and it only takes someone to have a party to do it. So this reminds me that we need to celebrate ourselves in business as well, and I know a lot of people who never do that. Each week I talk to my coaching clients and we talk about what they are doing, what the plan for the week is, and how they did with their goals. Sometimes, they are pretty down on themselves when they feel like they are running to catch up, or they didn’t get done what they had planned. So we talk about the… Read More »Time to Celebrate!

3 Ways Practice Makes Perfect

For some reason, many VAs I know think that they should instinctively know how to do everything in their business. They actually criticize themselves if they don’t know how to do something – like finances, strategic planning, analytics, marketing, networking, sales. These are all of the things that you need to learn to be a successful business owner. But these things don’t come naturally – to anyone, believe it or not!! You need to learn them, like you’ve learned anything else in life. And you need to practice them to get better at them. There is a quote by Thomas Edison that sits on the top of my computer monitor: Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how… Read More »3 Ways Practice Makes Perfect

This Is Why VAs Have Trouble Finding Clients

Before I get started, be aware that this article will probably turn into a rant against Virtual Assistants. Feel free to stop reading if you don’t like what I’m saying! It’s not meant to be mean-spirited or accusatory, simply telling you how things are for successful VAs versus the unsuccessful ones. Recently, one of my clients needed a task completed that I don’t normally do for her. It was a very simple PDF update, and we needed someone to use full version Adobe to do the changes. The project was not complicated – her branding had to be updated. We had a new logo for the cover page. We had a few headings that needed a font color change, and we needed… Read More »This Is Why VAs Have Trouble Finding Clients

How Committed Are You To Success In Your VA Business?

In preparation for my group mastermind and hosting my own mastermind, I have been faced with this question often: how committed are you to your success? I think all of us that get into business for ourselves have some level of commitment at the start. Whether we foster that commitment or let it fizzle out is really an important thing. If we forget why we got into business to begin with, the commitment can be watered down with the everyday icky stuff that comes with business. And we can become unhappy. Or even resentful. And trust me, neither of those attitudes will have success showing up at your door. How committed are you to your success? What is it that stops you from… Read More »How Committed Are You To Success In Your VA Business?

How to Get More Done Starting Today

Things have been exceeding busy in my work and life the last several months. From a personal standpoint, I have helped run three huge fund raisers and I have also been acting as campaign advisor for a friend of mine who is running for a city council position in the municipal election. I also hosted two huge parties at our house – one a family reunion (of sorts) and the other our annual pig roast and bocce tournament (usually with about 70 attendees). From a business standpoint, I have been uber busy as my clients are all very busy, successful business coaches who are rolling out great new products and programs. And, I rolled out a new session of my… Read More »How to Get More Done Starting Today