marketing your va business

Your Money Staircase

When you first get started as a Virtual Assistant, you earn money by charging clients for your services. This is usually the only stream of revenue that you have for your business in the beginning. Some people never have any others, but there are many other ways you can earn revenue in your business, above trading your time for money with clients.

Who Is Your Ideal Client?

I had a conversation with a VA last week who was trying to decide who her ideal client was. She had selected a market to work with that she thought would be a ‘good market’ because they needed a lot of support.

Reach Ahead to Achieve Success

One of the things that it can be hard to see as a business owner is the clear path to your own success. You can do all the planning and research that you want, but when it comes down to it, because the path you are on is unfamiliar, doubts can arise and stopping points can come up that keep you from seeing the success that you want.

Are You Putting Out the Right Message?

The other day I was shopping and came into the same aisle as a young family – Dad, Mom and Toddler. The Mom was pushing the cart, the Dad was looking on the shelves, and the Toddler got in the way of the cart Mom was trying to push around the corner. She immediately yelled, “That’s enough of this crap! You’re getting in the cart!” and proceeded to pick up the Toddler and dump him in the cart. He started to cry, and she continued, “It’s not a punishment, it’s just the way it has to be.” … Huh? Not a punishment? Then why the yelling and the dumping?

Starting a Newsletter or Mailing List

One of the most important parts of marketing your business will be to get in touch with your ideal client, and then to continue to maintain regular contact with them. It is essential that you build a relationship with your ‘people’ so that they will want to buy from you.

Are You Forgetting These 7 Details?

Working with a client on their first virtual event is your chance to shine! By bringing your expertise to the table, you can take a rookie client through their event and make them look like a professional. This will not only make them look good, but it will also reflect on you!