finding virtual assistant clients

What is your biggest struggle with your VA business?

How’s it going in your VA business? Are you happy? Fulfilled? Excited to get to work every day? Okay maybe that last one might be a stretch every day (!) but if your business is not exciting for you – and if you aren’t generally happy to do what you do, it’s time to step back and take a quick assessment. What is your biggest struggle with your VA business? When I ask VAs this I usually get the following answers: not enough clients, not enough money, not enough time to market or network … that type of thing. It’s always a matter of not enough of one thing and too much of another. Many of these problems have very simple solutions.… Read More »What is your biggest struggle with your VA business?

Get 3 New Virtual Assistant Clients in 30 Days

Are you looking for new Virtual Assistant clients? In business, you should always be looking for new clients, even if you are at capacity. But if you are a VA and you don’t have enough clients, it is stressful. I’ve been there. Most of us have been there at some point. You can’t have a business if you don’t have clients. So what do you do when you feel like you are looking all day, every day, and still coming up short? You need to reassess your strategy. (It’s not working!) If you really think you are spending all day looking for clients, and you are not getting any, then there is something fundamentally wrong with what you are doing to… Read More »Get 3 New Virtual Assistant Clients in 30 Days

Do You Love Networking? or Do You Dread It?

Networking is a necessary part of owning a business. As a Virtual Assistant, is networking something you enjoy? Or would you rather do anything else? I talk with a lot of VAs about growing their businesses, and one of the biggest issues VAs face is where to find clients. I tell them they have to determine who their services are best suited for, and then they have to find those potential clients and network with them. The conversation often takes a bristly turn after that. Networking is not a favourite activity for many VAs because we have often been the reactive type of personality. The person who is the greeter of those who enter the building. The person who answers the phone… Read More »Do You Love Networking? or Do You Dread It?

Give Your Virtual Assistant Marketing Efforts a Fighting Chance

How is your marketing working for you? If you’re like most VAs, you have ideas of what you want to do in your business. Getting more clients almost always tops the list. And your marketing is the vehicle to help you get that done. But if you don’t have a plan, are you giving your marketing efforts a fighting chance? Making the decision to get your message out there is great. Deciding how to do that is a step that often gets left out – either due to lack of knowledge on how to do it, or perhaps a lack of strategic planning ability, or event just sheer desperation (sorry if this is you!). Getting clients is a stressful thing.… Read More »Give Your Virtual Assistant Marketing Efforts a Fighting Chance

Where Will You Find Your Next VA Client?

I love being a Virtual Assistant. I love working with my clients, and I love meeting prospective clients. I know this, but it’s interesting what really reminds you of that sentiment. I have been recovering from surgery the last couple of weeks and to say I am going stir crazy is probably an understatement. Not only do I have to heal, but I have some limitations imposed by doctor’s orders. No swimming and no driving. And no lifting things over 10 pounds. So what’s a girl to do? The lifting part I’ve got down. That means no laundry!! Easy enough. But the other two – no driving and no swimming? I had planned to spend my time ‘off’ by the… Read More »Where Will You Find Your Next VA Client?

Getting Started as a Virtual Assistant is Hard

I have officially been in business for myself for 20 years. I always remember it because I was 8 months pregnant with my son when I was leaving the office to be off for a while, and my boss asked me when I could get back to work. I worked for a local restaurant chain’s head office. I sort of motioned to my big belly and said, ‘Um, having a baby here, not sure how you expect me to come back to work.’ And he suggested that I could do my work from home whenever I was able, and as soon as I was able. He needed the work I was doing to continue, and he just said to track… Read More »Getting Started as a Virtual Assistant is Hard

Where Are You Finding Your VA Clients?

Where are you looking for new clients? This is something that I come across often – and VAs tell me ‘everywhere’. I’m here to tell you that ‘everywhere’ is the wrong answer if you are asking yourself that question. When you are in business, you always need to be on the lookout for prospective clients. That’s a given! But looking everywhere is a waste of time and not the same thing at all. I’ve heard people complain: “I’m networking all day long and there are no good clients out there.” “I spend all of my time looking for clients but I don’t have any.” “I am ready to give up. All clients want to pay a VA peanuts:” Have you… Read More »Where Are You Finding Your VA Clients?

How To Start Conversations with Potential VA Clients

One of the things I see VAs struggle with is how to start conversations with potential clients. Whether it’s online or in person, a simple networking conversation is something that can stop a lot of VAs in their tracks. But when I teach someone how to start a conversation, a light often goes on. Why? Because once they know what they should be talking about, things become so much easier. Here’s an example: You are headed to a live networking event full of potential clients. You prepare your elevator speech and off you go. The first person you meet introduces themself and then asks you what you do. You launch into a one-minute rehearsed elevator speech that they have to… Read More »How To Start Conversations with Potential VA Clients