home office tips

You Take Care Now!

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I always loved that expression from the movie The Shining, even though the film scared the heck out of me! Working as a solopreneurs can really take its toll on your personal life if you are not careful. If you work from your home, you may be guilty of working ‘all the time’. It’s important to avoid burnout by balancing your work life with your home life. There are several ways that you can do this: Set a work schedule and keep it. It’s important for both your clients and your family to know when you are going to be working, so that they can help you plan things around… Read More »You Take Care Now!

Smart Tips for Healthy Working

When you are working from home, without the coworkers popping over to your desk or office to chat, it can be easy to forget to take breaks. It is sometimes a chore to remember to eat! But it’s important for your body to ensure that you are paying attention to these things, to keep yourself in optimum health, and away from the physiotherapist’s office! Time yourself and schedule breaks. If you need to use a timer on your desk, then do so. It is important to get up at least once every hour to get away from the desk and the computer. When you get up, do some light stretching with your arms and shoulders and neck. If possible, get… Read More »Smart Tips for Healthy Working