It’s right in front of you!

As you reflect on what to do next in the various parts of your business, where you do you tend to look?

Do you research on the ‘net for the latest trend?

Do you get ‘shiny object syndrome’ – where you get easily distracted?

Or do you look to where you have been already?

Keeping up with trends and new stuff is a good idea in your business, but when you are looking to build your business, you could be looking away when you should be looking within.

Think about all of the things you have done in your business to date. Maybe you have done research, or writing, or planning or strategizing.

What have you done with all of that? Have you implemented it? Or is it sitting around on scraps of paper or in notebooks ?

I know that’s happened to me. I get a great idea, or I have a terrific strategy session, and then I don’t act on it. In fact, I have sometimes even forgotten about things that seemed fantastic at the time!

I would like to challenge you to look at the notes you have and the work you have already done, and flesh it out. See if it fits with what you plan to do. The ideas and the strategy are probably right in front of you for your next set of actions.

If you have written blog posts or articles, the content is there too. Maybe you have done audios or videos. Use the content you have already built, and build on it some more.

Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to stay ahead that we forget what it is that we have already done – or planned to do.

Of course not every idea will be one that you want to proceed with, but I’ll be willing to bet that you have some gems you have already come up with.

Take action on just one this week. Do what you planned. I think you’ll surprise yourself!

If you are ready to take your ideas and build your successful business, have a look at my upcoming live 12 week program: