10 Tips to Help You Include Down Time in Your Life

One of the places that many small business owners get trapped in is the ‘working all the time’ syndrome. It is a big job to run your own business, and there is no question there is always something that needs doing.

But if Jack Nicholson taught us anything, it’s that all work and no play is not a good thing. You can’t bring your best brain and your best attitude to your business unless you are certain to make time to step away from it to recharge.

By taking time for yourself – whether it’s to physically care for yourself, or just to do something that inspires you and lifts your spirits, ‘down time’ is a great thing to be sure to put on your schedule often … every day if possible.

Here are 10 things you can schedule as down time, that will refresh and recharge you so that you can bring your full and happy self to your business:

Go for a walk – taking a fifteen minute break can be very beneficial when you head outside for a brisk walk. You can focus and concentrate on being away from your computer and your office. Take the dog, or take your iPod – just get out there! If you can schedule a walk into your schedule regularly, you will reap even better benefits than just a quick break!

Read something – sit outside or in a quiet place in your home and read something that has nothing to do with business. It can be a magazine, a book, a newspaper or even your mail (but not the bills!). By diverting your thoughts from what is on your task list to something unrelated to work, you give it a well-deserved break. I love my Kobo and my smartphone for this too!

Get some body work done – There is nothing that will make you feel like you are taking some serious ‘me time’ like getting a massage. Regular body work should be a staple for any small business owner. It helps you relax and it’s all about you! If you don’t have a massage therapist nearby, consider using the Internet for some great yoga or Pilates routines that can help to relax you also.

Volunteer – Volunteering is one of the ultimate ‘feel good’ things you can do outside of your business. Find an organization, big or small, that needs volunteers on a regular basis, or on a special occasion basis, and get involved. Being a volunteer in any capacity is a great way to give to your community or your favourite causes, but it’s also a great boost to the self esteem. When you feel good, you present yourself better and that comes through in every area of your life.

Take a day off – You deserve it! If you are one of those people who does a little bit (or a lot!) of work each day of the week, schedule a day off. Plan ahead to be sure that you are not worried about being away for the day. Make a point of not going near your office or email for the whole day. This can be difficult, but once you do it, you will find that it is so helpful to clear your mind, and you will soon be able to do it every week!

Meditate or use hypnosis – Several months ago I started using a hypnosis audio when I go to sleep at night – just 20 minutes of relaxing audio. I can’t believe the difference in everything I do. I wake up relaxed and calm, I sleep better, and I have many more physical issues (like hair fall) that have simply disappeared. I know it’s due to the reduction of stress, and I highly recommend calming your mind to experience the same. If you can’t get into meditation or hypnosis, just find a quiet place and breathe for five minutes. Clear your mind and relax. It’s just as effective!

Pay your bills – There is nothing like taking care of an unpaid bill to make you feel better (really!). Many people suffer from anxiety and stress from leaving things undone. Do whatever you can to bring your overdue bills up to current, and even set up a prepayment schedule so you can have your bills paid on autopilot. It feels great!

Laugh – Whether you call a friend or family member, or watch a funny movie, do something that makes you laugh. Laughter is a great stress reliever and can help with all kinds of things. Carry your positive feelings forward after you laugh. After all, it’s infectious, and it really does make everything better.

Make a vision board – When you focus on what you want to achieve in your personal life, you can really focus on how you need to get there in your business life. By building a poster sized vision board that you can hang in your office, you allow yourself to dream and think about the things you want to do in life. Clip out magazine pictures or images from the Internet. Use lots of words and great pictures, and you will inspire yourself when you sit back down at your desk, to achieve that vision

Unplug – You had to know I’d include this. In this age of technology, many of us are guilty of being plugged in all the time. If it’s not the computer, it’s the television or the laptop or the smartphone. Shut it down and just enjoy the silence for a while. It’s unusual for some, but it really does help improve the quality of your downtime. Try it!

By taking just a little bit of time for yourself, in any way that fits into your daily or weekly schedule, you will rejuvenate your mind and body. Taking care of yourself is important at any stage of life, but when you are running your own business it is easy to burn the candle at both ends at times. By consciously taking time away, you will feel better and you will be healthier.

And don’t forget to schedule that time in your calendar! It’s easy to forget about yourself, and it’s important to schedule yourself in, just as you schedule in your clients, so you don’t forget about yourself!

Let me know how you are scheduling down time in your business – visit my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/yourvamentor