3 Steps to Organizing Your VA Business

When you start to work virtually, you quickly realize that organization is a key skill that will become very important in your daily schedule.

If you have come from a corporate background, you are generally working under one supervisor or ‘boss’, and priorities can sometimes be set by the individual you report to.

Once you own your own business, this completely changes. You are now responsible to each and every client – and you are the one who has to be able to juggle the tasks and priorities of each of them. It can be difficult if you don’t have a system in place to keep things organized.

Here are three keys to getting and staying organized in your business:

1. Organize Yourself

Organizing yourself is more than just keeping track of what you have to do from day to day. You have to think about your office setup and making sure that your work station is optimized ergonomically, and you need to set a system in place to be sure that you are maximizing your time. Don’t get lost in endless hours of social networking! You also need to consider what types of software or online systems you need to run your business successfully. By making sure you look at all of these areas, you will equip yourself to bring other people (ie clients!) into your business.

2. Organize Your Work

Next up is organizing what you do, or what you will do every day. It is essential to put systems and procedures in place for everything you do. The earlier you can get this done, the easier it will be to update and manage. Systems help everything in your business. You are better able to quote accurate pricing for potential clients if you know what your ‘expenses’ are (ie how long it takes you to do a particular task). You can easily bring on subcontractors or other help when you get busy. You can develop specialized areas of support when you see how all of your pieces fit together. Time management is also a key part of organizing your work. Systems and procedures are the backbone of a successful business, period.

3. Organize Your Clients

Every client you will work with will feel that their work is the highest priority on your schedule. There are times when this is true for each of your clients, but it’s not always true for all of them. Prioritizing what you need to get done, and letting your clients know when to expect the task to be completed, is one of the fine juggling acts you probably encounter on a daily basis. Organize your clients by giving them solid communication and project tracking. Never let them wonder what is going on at any stage of a task or project. Keep them informed, and you will have a great relationship with them. Boundaries are a big part of this step. You need to set boundaries and stick to them. Everyone will be happier in the long run if things are made clear.

It’s easy to break organization down into three easy pieces like this – but remember there are many moving parts within each of those areas. The more you focus on each of these three ways to stay organized, the easier it will be on a daily basis.

I’d love to hear how you stay organized – visit my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/yourvamentor

3 thoughts on “3 Steps to Organizing Your VA Business”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this article! I became somewhat overwhelmed when I first began my Virtual Assistant business. Although I thrive off of helping others, as you mentioned, I always had a boss standing over me. For the very first time, I found myself being totally in charge. It was kind of daunting. I found that using an online project management software has been a tremendous time saver. I can also say that my syncing my google calendar on my iPhone also saved me precious time. It can be a balancing act but its so worth it in the end.

    1. Thanks Barbara! Isn’t it funny how being totally in charge can actually be a scary thing? Glad to hear that you are a Google gal too. 😉 I agree that being able to sync and check things easily is key to staying organized.

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