Why Do Your Clients Choose You As Their Virtual Assistant?

I was reading a chapter in Blue Ocean Shift the other day that gave me pause to really think about what I am bringing to my clients. What makes me different than my competitors, and why people should choose to work with me, instead of another Virtual Assistant.

Have you ever done this exercise for your VA business?

Do you know why your clients work with you?

Or if you don’t have clients yet, do you know why someone SHOULD work with you over someone else?

If you haven’t stopped to think about this yet, I highly recommend that you do.

As VAs, your own value can be a very tough thing to see in yourself.

First, we are new to the industry and seemingly surrounded by a lot of other people who are doing everything right (that’s not true, btw!).

Second, we are struggling to figure so much out quickly so we can get clients that we often don’t do all the steps needed to do it right.

Third, when it does come to this ‘competition’ question, many VAs simply go to their rate.

Rate should NOT enter into this at all. Cheaper is not always better. You don’t have to be cheaper to get clients.

If that’s where your head is at right now, keep reading!

One of the things you need to strategize in your marketing is why people should work with you.

If I were to line up 10 VAs and ask them this question, 9 of them would not be able to answer it.

Our value is something that we often can’t see easily, so we have to look for it.

And once we find it, things change! Our marketing message changes. Our confidence level soars. Our whole level of professionalism increases.

And we get clients.

You have to do this work.

What are the unique qualities you possess that should want someone to work with you?

Here are a few examples from my own assessments:

I specialize in working with a certain niche market (ie speakers)
I have training or experience with a particular service offering (ie Infusionsoft)
I have an amazing personality – I am laid back (to keep you sane), and I love to use my sense of humour (it’s gotta be fun)
I have exceptional business communication skills (customer service is easy for me)
I use my personality in my work (I am not a faceless company)
I am a full time VA and I work regular business hours (I will be available when you need to reach me)

Some other ideas that might work for you:

You are creative and do amazing graphics and visuals
You solve a problem for your clients
You are a master at project management
You have a process or system that helps to keep client projects on task
You have the same core values as your target clients

Are you getting the idea?

Your turn! Brainstorm the reasons that are unique to you, that make you amazing.

You know what they are, but you might need to do some digging to help yourself see them.

If you have trouble with this exercise, do it with a colleague. Often having someone else talk about what you do well is easier when someone else is helping you.

If you want a little more help figuring out how to differentiate yourself, read this blog article about what makes you different.

3 thoughts on “Why Do Your Clients Choose You As Their Virtual Assistant?”

  1. I agree, this is an exercise that every VA should do. It’s sometimes difficult to know when starting out what our core strengths are going to be and can be helpful to have someone to talk it through with. It definitely gets easier to see your worth and your strengths as you start to shape your business.

    1. I have been in this business a long time and it’s just how I talk. 🙂 It’s just like having a conversation with you for sure.

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