3 More Reasons Your Business is Stuck (and how to fix them!)

Last week we talked about 3 ways your business is stuck and what to do about them.

Feeling stuck in your business manifests itself in many ways: lack of revenue, lack of clients (or lack of good clients), exhaustion, burnout, and more.

No matter what is making you feel stuck, you just need to focus on one problem at a time and fix it.

So what is keeping you stuck?

As I promised, here are three more reasons! 

1. You are focused on your rate, and not your value. 

Virtual Assistants are service professionals, and so it can be very common to trade time for money. It’s also a really easy way to set your business up when you first get started. But did you realize that the better you get at something, the less money you will make to do it? When you bill by the hour, you are charging for your time – and when you do something faster, you will bill the client less for that task.

How to fix it: Focus on the value you bring to the client. When you stop billing by time worked, and instead bill with the tasks being completed, you are focusing more on value than on speed or minutes. Value based pricing also makes it much easier to build packages for clients. Identify the best way for you to price your services by using my rate calculator here.

2. You are not managing your time properly.

Do you run out of time at the end of every day? week? You need to look at where you are spending your time. What are you doing all day? When you properly plan out the things you do every day, you get more done. When you manage your distractions you can also save yourself a lot of time.

How to fix it: Use your schedule to plan your day well. Allow for distractions, breaks and solid blocks of time for you to get work done. When you schedule everything, you will know what you are supposed to be doing, and you will be much more productive. Use these tips to help you manage your time better.

3. You are not standing out in the crowd.

If you are not getting noticed by your clients, you will have to work harder to get clients. What message are you putting out there? Are your services clear and specific to a particular market? Being able to get specific about what you can do to help clients will help your message stand out in the crowd of those who don’t.

How to fix it: Look at your marketing message. Does the overall message indicate why clients should choose you to work with? What makes you unique? In a service business like VAs have, the client hires you because of who you are, and what you can help them do in their business. Rewrite your marketing message with the free training session on the bottom of this page.

I hope these simple changes can help you get your business unstuck and more profitable today!

And if you need some help identifying what your next step is, I invite you schedule a complimentary “Cut to the Chase” call with me here: www.yourvamentor.com/15-min.