3 Reasons Your Business is Stuck (and what you can do about it)

Are you feeling stuck?

Do you wake up every morning (or in the middle of the night!) thinking about how tired you are of trying to figure it all out? Not enough clients, not enough money, and you are beginning to dread starting your work day?

I’ve got some good news for you.

You’re just stuck. You don’t suck. Your business doesn’t suck. And it’s temporary. Because with a little strategy, you can pull yourself out of it, and love your business again.

Here are 3 of the most common reasons that your business might be stuck (and what you can do about it!):

1. Your goals are not clear.

Do you set goals in your business? Many VAs don’t, so it’s not a crazy question, but even if you do – what do you do with those goals? Do you write them down? Or do you just think about them? If you are not writing them down and setting up an action plan to achieve them, they aren’t really goals. You have no way to hold yourself accountable to achieve them.

How to fix it: Learn how to set goals properly. Write them down. Set actionable steps to reach them. Track your progress. Alter your plan along the way. It works. Learn my steps to goal setting in this free training video.

2. Your routines and habits are working against you.

How does your business day look? Do you have a routine that you follow, or do you just take it as it comes? If you are constantly in a reactive state, you probably feel like you are running to keep up most of the time. When you let someone else run your schedule (like your clients or your family), you end up always reacting to what is going on around you. But to achieve success, you must be the one who decides what happens with your time.

How to fix it: If this is you, I urge you to stop and take back control of your own time. Use your calendar to map out your day. Develop routines for everything you do. Learn how to manage your time better in this free training video.

3. You don’t have enough connections to get clients.

If you are struggling finding clients, look at your numbers. How many people are you connecting with every day, week or month? I bet not very many. Or, if you are connecting with people, you are probably either a) not having the right kinds of conversations with them – to turn them into clients, or b) not even connecting with potential clients (hello, are you on FB all day with VA colleagues? that’s not networking!).

How to fix it: If you are struggling to get clients because you aren’t connecting with enough people, you simply need to reach out to more people. You need to connect with enough people to have prospects in your pipeline. Learn the simplest way to build your business in this free training video.

There are many reasons why your business may not be where you want it to be.

But it’s okay. All you need to do is identify WHAT is going wrong, and take steps to fix it.

When I started writing this article, I had 7 points, but I decided to keep it simple for you today – look for this to be a two (or maybe even three!) part article.

In the meantime, check out those training videos I linked to above, and if you need some help pushing through anything you are stuck on, let me know. I’d love to help get unstuck!