Clarity in Your Messaging is Key to Getting VA Clients

What I mean by that is – is it really clear how you help your virtual assistant clients with their businesses?

If you can’t tell from the last ten posts what you do and who you help, then your messaging clarity needs work.

When your clients are looking for virtual assistant support in their business, they are not always going to find you with one post. Well they might find you that way, but then they are going to check you out.

if your message does not land clearly with them – that you are the best VA to help them with their problem – then they will likely move along to find someone else.

Now that’s not to say that you have to write the same thing every time you post – actually that’s not it at all – but you do have to find a way to run your theme through your content so that it showcases your expertise regularly.

How do you do that? Just 2 steps.

These categories should be directly related to the main services you offer to your clients.

Your clients will never understand that you can help them with these services unless you are talking about them regularly.

This includes social media images and curating or sharing content from others.

The message must be clear and the only way tot do that is not to clutter your feed with other things.

For instance, if you provide bookkeeping services, your three main categories could be taxes, organization, and money. These are broad enough topics that you can find lots of things to post or write about that your clients will be interested in, but you will still be very clear that you help them get their books in order – which is the service you provide, and that they need.

Clarity in marketing is difficult to achieve for virtual assistants sometimes.

We feel like we are leaving money on the table when we select a group of people to work with – but that’s not the truth at all.

The last piece is about consistency. You need to be blogging regularly, and posting to social media channels consistently – no matter how many clients you have. 

That doesn’t mean that you have to post social media multiple times daily or blogging a few times a week, but you need to pick a schedule that works for you and do it. It also helps you to develop good marketing habits – which helps you too!

Start with the clarity. If you aren’t sure why a target market is important, check out this free video I did for Choosing a Niche or Target Market. There are more than 40 free training videos for VAs on my Youtube channel!