Are You Stuck in Research or Planning Mode?

It is very easy to get stuck in this mode, and not actually take a step forward to launch your business.

Sound familiar?

It can feel overwhelming – all the things you need to learn to get started. It’s also scary. Putting yourself out there. What if you fail? What if you make a mistake? It’s not always fun.

If you are stuck in that research mode, first consider what it is you are researching.

To start your business you need to know these things: what your service offerings are, what they cost, and who needs them. You also need a place for people to check you out online, and a way for them to connect with you – and a way to pay you. 

If you are researching one of those things, then find out what you need to know and make a decision as to how you are going to handle this in your business.

If you are researching Facebook Ads and you haven’t started your business yet, you are getting WAY ahead of yourself.

Make a second list of things that you want to learn. Put those in the calendar to learn at a later date. Don’t let them stop you from getting started.

In many cases, done is better than perfect. You don’t need a project management system to get your first client. You do need a way to track your work, but be realistic and learn only about what you need.

If you are like most VAs (and me!), we are perpetual learners. You will always be able to improve your skills when your business is off and running. All you have to do is book time into your calendar each week or month to learn something new.

But if you can’t implement it into your business right now, it’s not a good use of your time. Wait until you need to learn something to spend your time learning it.

Research is a very good thing before you start your VA business – I’m not saying it’s not! – but there is a limit and most VAs I know who are stuck in the research or planning phase are using it as an excuse to not get started.

I always tell the story of my cousin who got her esthetician certificate and opened her business in 15 minutes. She went to VistaPrint, ordered business cards and set up a website on VistaPrint – and 15 minutes after she emailed me to say she passed her certification, she emailed me again to send me her website URL. She took action. You need to take action too.

Don’t get stuck in the thinking stages. Make a decision. Move forward. If you need to change your path as you move forward, do it. Your business will be ever-changing and you can change with it.

For more help with taking action after you learn something, watch this free training video: Implementing What You Learn. There are more than 30 free training videos for Virtual Assistants on my Youtube channel!