marketing your va business

Chocolate, Cinnamon – and What They Have to Do with Repurposing Your Content

I was recently talking with a client about repackaging and repurposing content. I had suggested that it would be a good idea to take an audio from a teleclass and repackage it into several other pieces that the client could use in her marketing. She didn’t understand why I would suggest doing that – the audio itself was content so why didn’t we we just blast the link out for everywhere so people could opt in to it and therefore get the material – no extra work required. It’s important to realize that people take in their information in all different kinds of ways. In order to reach them you need to find the way that speaks directly to them.… Read More »Chocolate, Cinnamon – and What They Have to Do with Repurposing Your Content

Keep your Website Fresh and Current

I have often talked about how my business has been referral-only for a few years. What I mean by that is that my new clients come to me through referral from another client, a colleague, and that sort of thing. I typically don’t respond to requests for proposal, or go searching job boards or forums for work. The work … for all intents and purposes … comes to me. This is a great position to be in from a business perspective – however it’s important that you don’t ‘stop’ marketing your business if you are in this stage. I learned a valuable lesson because I did just that, and I want to share it with you. I had a consultation… Read More »Keep your Website Fresh and Current

Do You Recognize Your Own Value?

I have been reading Harvey Mackay‘s new book The Mackay MBA of Selling in the Real World. It’s a terrific, easy-to-read book that takes you through the various components of how to sell effectively – by being you and by knowing what your customers want. That is some serious paraphrasing, but you get the point! One of the chapters in particular spoke to me and I wanted to share it with you. It’s called Sell Yourself. Harvey talks about the three toughest sells being Company, Product and Self. As a small business owner and a mentor, I know how difficult selling yourself can be. Selling yourself can be one of the most difficult things to do, if you do not… Read More »Do You Recognize Your Own Value?

How does your marketing calendar look?

I love to sit down and plan things in my marketing calendar. First, it really helps me to get a clear vision of what I have coming up. Second, it gets me excited about how I can expand and grow my business. And last but certainly not least, it makes me accountable to do the things I say I’m going to do! Planning a marketing calendar takes no more than a pen and paper. Sure, you can get as fancy as you like and set it up online, or you can do it like me and just use post-it notes on your wall calendar. Whatever you choose, you should be sure to detail out what you want to do so… Read More »How does your marketing calendar look?

Waiting to market until your website is live?

I had a conversation with a VA recently about websites. One of the key stopping points for many VAs who are just getting started is their website. The issue is one of a few things: they can’t afford to get a website up yet they are exhaustively working on the page content and they are not ready to get it developed yet they are trying to learn HTML themselves so they can build their own website they are working with a designer to get it ‘just right’ and the designer is very busy … the list of reasons to not have it live yet goes on and on Essentially, they are making excuses for not ‘getting out there’, and they… Read More »Waiting to market until your website is live?

3 tips to help you find your target market

When you decide to get started as a Virtual Assistant, it’s generally because you have administrative skills that you have acquired over a series of jobs, and you want to start to work from home for one reason or another. But it’s important to realize that once you are home, sitting at your desk with your new business cards staring back at you, that you will need to market your business in order to build up a client base. Many VAs make the mistake of thinking they can help everyone. When you don’t focus on specific groups of people to connect with, you end up blurring the message you are sending out, and quite often you won’t be heard. By… Read More »3 tips to help you find your target market

3 Things You Need To Include In Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing your business can be a confusing thing if you aren’t all that familiar with the concept of marketing. We talk a lot about your ideal client, and how identifying them will help you to build a more effective marketing strategy. When you are getting started, it can feel like no one even notices you, and if you are just putting up a list of services that you provide that might even be the case. That’s why it’s important to get specific about a few things and use those things to build a strategy to get clients to notice you. 1. Know who you can best support or serve. The services you provide are probably ‘in need’ in several industries,… Read More »3 Things You Need To Include In Your Marketing Strategy

Shift the way you think and get more VA clients!

When you are preparing your marketing materials for your business, it’s important to have those speak to your ideal clients. You want them to be able to read over your web page or blog or sales page or brochure and think ‘yes, I NEED that!’. But sometimes getting the language just right is a difficult task.