grow your virtual assistant business

Are You Moving Forward in Your VA Business?

I came across a neat quote from Simon Sinek this week in the form of a social media image. “It’s better to go slow in the right direction that to go fast in the wrong direction.” I really like this thought because it’s really true in usiness. I often talk to VAs who feel that they aren’t moving fast enough to get where they are going. But I always reassure them that as long as they are moving forward, even in tiny steps, that they are still headed in the right direction. Those of you who have worked with me will know this is true! As we build and grow our businesses, sometimes we don’t get everything done that we expected. But… Read More »Are You Moving Forward in Your VA Business?

Favourite Tools for VAs: Google Calendar

Google Calendar is one of my most-used tools in my business. I have shareable calendars that I can share with clients (marketing calendars, payment calendars). And I also have ones that I can use just for myself (personal, family, and my own business info). I use them for everything. For my clients, we have a payments calendar set up so we know when to expect recurring payments. It’s so handy to keep track of what is coming in. We have marketing calendars, so we can plan strategy for promotions and JV events. Google Calendar is free, and you can setup unlimited calendars. So there’s no reason not to use it for one thing or another in your business! Check it out… Read More »Favourite Tools for VAs: Google Calendar

3 Ways to Become the Go-To VA Expert For Your Clients

I was doing a bit of surfing on the ‘net and Facebook the other day and I realized that what I was doing I needed to share with you! I was doing research for my clients – not in a billable, time-tracking way – but I was noticing things in my Internet travels that might be interesting to them. One of the things that is really important for you to do in business is to master your craft. Just like your clients, it’s essential that you know your business inside and out. Part of that mastery is learning about your clients and their businesses too. It’s not particularly necessary to work with a target industry or niche (although that helps!), but… Read More »3 Ways to Become the Go-To VA Expert For Your Clients

Favorite Tools for VAs: Infusionsoft

Infusionsoft is an all-in-one CRM, email marketing and ecommerce service. It has a robust CRM so your clients can use it alone or easily with an admin or a sales team. It has wonderful email marketing capabilities which help you to segment your audience’s activities and automate follow up with them based on their interests and activities. And it combines simple ecommerce so that your clients can pay and receive customized follow up easily. I have been using Infusionsoft with my clients since 2010 and I love it. But in the next few weeks I’ll be getting my own Infusionsoft app, which I am over the moon about! I’ll let you know when that happens, as I’ll have to move my list… Read More »Favorite Tools for VAs: Infusionsoft

Are You Listless or Limitless?

The last few weeks I have noticed that I have been dropping the ball on various things. Forgetting tiny tasks or needing to remind myself more often about something that needs to be done. I discovered that I have low iron in my blood (anemia) and it explains so much. Low iron means that your blood can not carry enough oxygen to the cells in your body – all of them! – and as a result, they either can not work to their full capacity, or they get tired and they can stop working all together. Now I know that we talk often about self-care in our VA businesses. When we work alone we can pick up bad habits very… Read More »Are You Listless or Limitless?

Are You Using Facebook Live?

I saw you on Facebook yesterday. Did you see me? I’m kidding of course! But isn’t it neat that Facebook finally came up with something that turned its platform into an actual face-book? Facebook Live came out a while back and it’s starting to take off … slowly, according to my newsfeed, but people are getting more comfortable with it. I checked my pages the other day and I have access to it now. I’m not sure if I have for a while, but it’s there for sure. So I intend to start using it. Soon. LOL. Proscrastination is a big part of my video stuff. It seems to be the same for a lot of other people. So here… Read More »Are You Using Facebook Live?

Favourite Tools for VAs: Facebook Live

I am going to start using Facebook Live. Haven’t tried it out yet. I tried Periscope and liked it but I could not save the videos to my phone for some reason so gave up on it. So I’m going to call it one of my favourite tools, because I watch a lot of people using it now, but this is a blind recommendation (for once!). Maybe I’ll circle back in a week or two and tell you my favourite things about it! 🙂 See you there!

Pricing Your Virtual Assistant Service Packages

We have talked before about how to make up service packages for your clients. Service packages help you to get paid for your expertise, they help you to specialize your services for a select group of clients, and they help your clients know exactly what they will get for their money. It can be a challenge to nail down your packages if you offer a wide variety of services, but once you do, the next step is to price them accordingly. If you are accustomed to billing by the hour, then you will actually be able to do this part more easily than you think. To set your rates, you first have to determine a billable rate. Your billable rate… Read More »Pricing Your Virtual Assistant Service Packages