grow your virtual assistant business

What’s working in your virtual assistant business? What’s not?

Ah the end of the year…! It brings with it mixed emotions for many. Sometimes we can get excited about the coming year and what’s in store for us. Sometimes it’s a time to reflect on what didn’t go right. Let’s face it, when you are doing your year end reports, sometimes they don’t look as great as you had hoped. Maybe you didn’t make as much money as you had expected. Maybe your expenses got out of control, and your profit is down. Maybe you worked really hard and are now in a position to need help but overwhelmed about how to do that. There are lots of emotions at play. I like to break this whole activity down… Read More »What’s working in your virtual assistant business? What’s not?

What I have learned (and from whom!) – a peek behind my VA business curtain!

I am a big advocate of professional development in business. I believe that in order to keep growing, you need to keep learning. And it’s definitely why I choose to teach! Of course in order to grow from your learning, you need to implement what you learn into your business. So although I suggest learning as much as you can, you still need to monitor what you are doing (especially the free stuff which can get out of control quickly!) so that you are only doing as much as you can implement. There will always be another social media class or planning day, but if you can’t put into practice what you are learning then you should think twice about… Read More »What I have learned (and from whom!) – a peek behind my VA business curtain!

Make Time for Marketing Your VA Business

In order to build your business, you have to make time for marketing. Many Virtual Assistants know this, but it can be difficult to find the time. And once we start working with clients, that always seems to take priority over marketing our own business, but it shouldn’t! Keeping your own marketing active is a key piece of ongoing business. People insist that they don’t have enough time to do everything, and certainly marketing falls to the bottom of the list. I know that it’s tough – believe me it’s the same for me sometimes. But I have seen the results when I do make time to market and so that keeps me finding time, even when it seems impossible.… Read More »Make Time for Marketing Your VA Business

Who Inspires You in your VA Business?

Who inspires you in your business? When we work alone all day, every day, sometimes inspiration is something that eludes us. At least on a regular basis. It’s important for Virtual Assistants to connect with people who inspire to do well, to build, to grow, or to do whatever it is you want to do with your business. I am on the mailing lists and in the social media groups of many, many people that I look to for inspiration. Sometimes I need inspiration to know that I am on the right path. Sometimes it’s to help me find my way through a period of growth. And sometimes it’s just to help me keep my mindset in a positive space.… Read More »Who Inspires You in your VA Business?

Is Your Marketing Plan Rocking or Sucking?

It’s a good idea to check in regularly with where you’re at in terms of your marketing plan goals and objectives. You should definitely look at these numbers at least quarterly, but it is even better to look at them once a month (or once a week!). Your goals might include things like revenue, number of sign-ups to your list, number of products sold, number of visitors to your website and blog – and so on. Regardless of what you measure, you want to make sure you take time out regularly to see how you’re doing. Is your marketing rocking or sucking? Are you rocking? If you are humming right along and reaching your objectives – that’s fantastic. Check in… Read More »Is Your Marketing Plan Rocking or Sucking?

Time To Set New Goals!

A change of seasons often brings along a change of thought patterns. Spring usually makes us think of renewing and growth. Summer means time off and relaxing, or increased family time. When Fall arrives, and everyone goes back to school, and vacations are over, it usually means that we get back to our busy lives. Many business owners set new goals each quarter, or each season. It’s a good practice to get into because of the way our mindset naturally shifts as the seasons change. So here we are at the beginning of a new quarter, and it’s time to set some new goals. How do you set goals in your business? Do you just think about them? Do you… Read More »Time To Set New Goals!

Does This Bother You?

One of the most important decisions you will make in your business is what you charge. Revenue is what drives your business. Without money coming in the door, your business can not sustain itself. But what is the right rate? What is enough, but not too much? What takes into account your value, without being exclusive? What are you and your clients comfortable with? These are the questions that you need to consider when setting your rates. But many VAs don’t have the confidence to simply make that decision. They have to ask lots of others what their opinion is. And that’s okay, don’t get me wrong. Advice is good! But once you ask around, you still have to be able… Read More »Does This Bother You?

Make Sure You Don’t Miss The Point!

When you are in a conversation with someone, are you really listening to what they are saying? Or are you just waiting for your turn to jump in and speak? Or even worse, are you just looking to point out their errors? If you do any of these things, you are not alone. But you should try to stop. A long time ago in a performance evaluation I got told by our HR Director that I didn’t wait long enough after someone else spoke to respond. I hadn’t noticed it before, but as I reflected on what she said, I realized she was right. I was a fast responder! She said that my mind worked very quickly and that I made… Read More »Make Sure You Don’t Miss The Point!