virtual assistant business tips

A Change Is As Good As A Rest

Have a look at your business. Your clients. Your revenue. Your marketing. Your website. Your general attitude. Do you still get up every morning raring to go? Does your task list get you excited to start your day? If you’re like many VAs (this one included sometimes!), you probably said no to that last question. It’s easy to settle into a routine that you just don’t love. When you get the clients and they start to pay you and then you stop looking for new clients … you can get bored. Or burned out. Or both! I challenge you to take some time to step back and really look at what you are doing on a day to day basis.… Read More »A Change Is As Good As A Rest

Ready to Quit Being A Virtual Assistant?

I see this situation all the time. You’ve hung out your shingle, you’ve set up your website, you offer every service under the sun. You have no clients. Or, you have a few clients but you are doing all kinds of different things for them. There is no system to your day or your workflow. Or, you have many clients and you are working morning, noon and night to get your client work done. Whatever the circumstance, you are frustrated. You are tired. You are ready to quit. You often think about just going and getting a job. And maybe that’s the right decision. But it’s probably not. I’ve been in this situation many, many times, like a lot of my colleagues. It’s time to step back and have a look… Read More »Ready to Quit Being A Virtual Assistant?

5 Tips for Better Health as a Virtual Assistant

Do you ever get to lunchtime and realize you have been sitting at your desk since 8? Or worse, do you chat away on Facebook on IM with your colleagues and when lunch comes you realize you haven’t done any work yet? Both scenarios are not good for you. Physically, I mean. When you don’t take regular breaks, it is hard on your body. When you waste too much time, it is too. You have to catch up at some point, right? And when you are not actually working (like being on social media) your body language is completely different – watch yourself next time – your posture is probably suffering when you are just playing online versus when you… Read More »5 Tips for Better Health as a Virtual Assistant

How Big Is Your To-Do List? Get More Done Today!

Oh, the dreaded task list. How big is yours? Mine can get unruly sometimes. When I have a ton of things that I need to get done, I tend to do a ‘brain dump’ and build a big task list to see all of the things that I need to plan to do. But did you know that doing that can actually make things worse? If you are anxious about having too much on your plate, having it all written down in front of you can actually make you more anxious. Sound like you? If it does, then I have a suggestion for you. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself! Just do one thing. No, I mean it. Right… Read More »How Big Is Your To-Do List? Get More Done Today!

Make Your Virtual and Live Connections Count!

I’ve been to a few ‘in person’ events lately and it really does make a difference when you are face to face with someone – how your relationship can build quickly. But planning is the key to helping you quickly build solid connections with the people you network with. Do you make your connections count? Here are a few tips for you when you are connecting with new folks, live or virtually: 1. Develop a plan that suits you. Plan where you will go, and who you hope/plan to meet. Figure out what you want to accomplish at each event or gathering – ahead of time. If you are looking online, think of a couple of LinkedIn group that might be… Read More »Make Your Virtual and Live Connections Count!

How Committed Are You To Success In Your VA Business?

In preparation for my group mastermind and hosting my own mastermind, I have been faced with this question often: how committed are you to your success? I think all of us that get into business for ourselves have some level of commitment at the start. Whether we foster that commitment or let it fizzle out is really an important thing. If we forget why we got into business to begin with, the commitment can be watered down with the everyday icky stuff that comes with business. And we can become unhappy. Or even resentful. And trust me, neither of those attitudes will have success showing up at your door. How committed are you to your success? What is it that stops you from… Read More »How Committed Are You To Success In Your VA Business?

Do You Do This Too? Accepting Status Quo

This week I was sitting at my desk when wham! Big crash. Suddenly my phone, keyboard, mouse and mousepad were sitting on the floor at my feet, along with my sliding keyboard drawer. You think I would be shocked or stunned. But, no. Ever since I built my desk (don’t judge me!) about 10 years ago I have known that the keyboard drawer has been loose. Yep, right from the get-go. Design flaw I think. But I’ve tolerated it all these years. I can actually tell when it’s loose and might fall, so I can make a quick adjustment and reinforce it, Then I move on until the next time. So this week when it happened I really stopped and took notice.… Read More »Do You Do This Too? Accepting Status Quo

Dealing with Difficult Clients as a VA

Have you ever had a difficult situation arise with a client? Let me give you a few examples: – they send you all their work last minute (their lack of preparation means your emergency, doesn’t it?)- they don’t pay you on time (or without constant nudging) – they complain about every little thing – they ask the same questions over and over again – they send you a million emails to communicate something simple – they don’t change subject lines in their emails if the subject matter changes (this is a huge pet peeve of mine! – how do I ever find that thing we talked about?) You get the picture. Virtual working brings with it a need for steady… Read More »Dealing with Difficult Clients as a VA