healthy working

Manage Your Day Better!

People often ask me how I stay organized. I guess I look like I’ve got it all together LOL. But that’s not always the case! I do have a great system in place and it works well. Working with multiple clients, we can often lose focus and the priorities can shift from hour to hour. So I have one tip for you that will help you get and stay organized: Find a task or project management system that works for you and use it. My system is simple. I use GQueues and a spiral notebook that stays on my desk all the time to manage what I need to do. After I have a production call with a client, I… Read More »Manage Your Day Better!

The Number 1 Productivity Killer for Your VA Business

I have read a lot of articles about productivity over the years. They tell you how to streamline your work, your procedures, how to work effectively, lots of different tips. And many of them are right on the money. But I absolutely agree with the ones that talk about what the number 1 productivity killer is. It’s email. It’s a dark hole that you can go very deep down so easily. Being a virtual business owner means that a lot of our communication depends on email. I know mine does! But how we manage our email is what is important. If you start your day by picking up email you are starting your day in a reactive mode. You can’t… Read More »The Number 1 Productivity Killer for Your VA Business

Are You Listless or Limitless?

The last few weeks I have noticed that I have been dropping the ball on various things. Forgetting tiny tasks or needing to remind myself more often about something that needs to be done. I discovered that I have low iron in my blood (anemia) and it explains so much. Low iron means that your blood can not carry enough oxygen to the cells in your body – all of them! – and as a result, they either can not work to their full capacity, or they get tired and they can stop working all together. Now I know that we talk often about self-care in our VA businesses. When we work alone we can pick up bad habits very… Read More »Are You Listless or Limitless?

How to Fire a Virtual Assistant Client 

Have you ever wanted to fire a client? The anxiety that comes with not being happy working with someone can paralyze you. I know, it’s happened to me. You open your email and you see their name. Your blood pressure rises. You read every little inflection in their emails with a negative voice. You complain to your colleagues (hopefully not on public social media!) and your family about said client. It’s time to fire them. But here’s the thing – it’s business, it’s not personal. That’s what we talk about in today’s training call: How to Fire a Client. There is a good process that you can use that will help you to still be a good business owner even… Read More »How to Fire a Virtual Assistant Client 

Tips For Healthy Working

Sit for a moment and think about how your average day looks … does this sound familiar? Imagine … wake up, no shower, get coffee, go into office, pick up email, start working, microwave coffee, eat lunch at desk, get distracted by Facebook, answer phone each time it rings, grab shower, run out to get groceries for supper, pick up mail, open it, do more client work, stop when kids come home, help with homework, dinner and dishes, watch Grey’s Anatomy, get kids to bed, go back to work till midnight … If this sounds remotely like you, you have to stop right now. This type of day or routine is not sustainable, productive or healthy. You will suffer from burnout… Read More »Tips For Healthy Working

How Successful People Think

Have you ever read John C. Maxwell’s book ‘How Successful People Think’? It’s one of my favourite business books. I give it to many of my clients when we work together as well. It shines a great light on the idea of mindset as a business owner, and it gives you really great tips to bring productive thinking into your daily life. Maxwell actually talks about 11 types of thinking (!) in the book, and breaks down each one. From big-picture thinking, to strategic thinking, to bottom-line thinking, he covers it all, and I love to go back and read the chapters over again when I feel the need to work on any area of my business. This week I am… Read More »How Successful People Think

Simple Tips To Get Motivated Now

Too much to do and no motivation to get it done? As a solopreneur, the responsibility to motivate yourself (unfortunately!) falls squarely on your own shoulders. If you were working in an office setting, you have the support of others so it can be easier to stay ‘up’. But on your own, I know it can be tough sometimes. So here are a few simple things that you can do to help motivate yourself right now! 1. Get up out of your chair. Posture plays a huge role in how our motivation increases or decreases. If you get up and stretch your arms over your head and out into a big circle down the sides of your body, you inject… Read More »Simple Tips To Get Motivated Now

How to Manage Your Stress Level

Being a solopreneur can take its toll on your body, and your mind. There is always an incomplete list of things that need doing. There are always better ways to do the things you do daily. There are always other people who seem to be doing things better than you are doing them. Or at least it feels that way sometimes. When you get up in the morning, are you still excited to get your day started? If you are, that’s amazing. Hold on to that feeling! (I’ll get back to you in a minute!) If you are not, you are among a very large group of people feeling the same way. (No kidding, you are not alone!) So what… Read More »How to Manage Your Stress Level