healthy working

3 Steps to Organizing Your VA Business

When you start to work virtually, you quickly realize that organization is a key skill that will become very important in your daily schedule. If you have come from a corporate background, you are generally working under one supervisor or ‘boss’, and priorities can sometimes be set by the individual you report to. Once you own your own business, this completely changes. You are now responsible to each and every client – and you are the one who has to be able to juggle the tasks and priorities of each of them. It can be difficult if you don’t have a system in place to keep things organized. Here are three keys to getting and staying organized in your business:… Read More »3 Steps to Organizing Your VA Business

10 Tips to Help You Include Down Time in Your Life

One of the places that many small business owners get trapped in is the ‘working all the time’ syndrome. It is a big job to run your own business, and there is no question there is always something that needs doing. But if Jack Nicholson taught us anything, it’s that all work and no play is not a good thing. You can’t bring your best brain and your best attitude to your business unless you are certain to make time to step away from it to recharge. By taking time for yourself – whether it’s to physically care for yourself, or just to do something that inspires you and lifts your spirits, ‘down time’ is a great thing to be… Read More »10 Tips to Help You Include Down Time in Your Life

Quick – I Need You! How to Handle Emergencies When You Are A VA

Last week we had a family medical emergency to tend to. I felt fortunate to be working from home, and I was able to go and assist at the moment I was needed. All it took was a quick email to each of my clients to let them know what was going on. I also let them know what was done for the day’s work and what was still not done – and whether I could take care of the unfinished work or not. How do you plan to handle emergencies in your business? That inevitable moment when someone calls you and says, ‘Quick, I need you to…’ (whatever that may be). It will happen, and you should be prepared.… Read More »Quick – I Need You! How to Handle Emergencies When You Are A VA

The Never Ending Balancing Act

As a business owner, no doubt you have had some experience trying to balance your home and work lives at some point. The key to doing this well is to put some rules in place that you follow, and that others follow as well. For work-life balance there can sometimes be a fine line that needs to be amplified – so you don’t lose sight of what’s important at that time. On the one hand, you want to be sure that you don’t immerse yourself in work every waking hour of the day. My son has seen me using the laptop while we watch TV at night and he asks, ‘Mom are you working?’ but I’m really just on my… Read More »The Never Ending Balancing Act

Stop, Drop and Smell the Roses

Summertime is one of the busiest times for most small business owners. Kids are home from school, maybe there’s a cottage, and certainly there is more activity in general as everyone tries to enjoy the nice weather. With any luck, your clients will take holidays and the work pace will slow down so you can incorporate the new level of activity in your household. But even if there is more client work than you anticipated, don’t forget that burnout comes easily when you’re not paying attention. How to handle this? First of all, be aware of your limitations. If you know you are taking holidays, let your clients know with plenty of notice. Be sure that anything they need in… Read More »Stop, Drop and Smell the Roses

You Take Care Now!

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I always loved that expression from the movie The Shining, even though the film scared the heck out of me! Working as a solopreneurs can really take its toll on your personal life if you are not careful. If you work from your home, you may be guilty of working ‘all the time’. It’s important to avoid burnout by balancing your work life with your home life. There are several ways that you can do this: Set a work schedule and keep it. It’s important for both your clients and your family to know when you are going to be working, so that they can help you plan things around… Read More »You Take Care Now!

What do you do with your ‘down time’?

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, there often seems like there is very little down time from your business. If you are not working with clients, you are probably working on marketing tasks or managing your support team. You are planning goals and programs, and laying out launch procedures.

Smart Tips for Healthy Working

When you are working from home, without the coworkers popping over to your desk or office to chat, it can be easy to forget to take breaks. It is sometimes a chore to remember to eat! But it’s important for your body to ensure that you are paying attention to these things, to keep yourself in optimum health, and away from the physiotherapist’s office! Time yourself and schedule breaks. If you need to use a timer on your desk, then do so. It is important to get up at least once every hour to get away from the desk and the computer. When you get up, do some light stretching with your arms and shoulders and neck. If possible, get… Read More »Smart Tips for Healthy Working