networking tips for virtual assistants

Do I Really Need A Target Market as a VA?

When Virtual Assistants come to me and say they are having trouble finding clients, I always ask them who their target market is. Many times the answer is ‘I don’t have one’ or ‘I haven’t narrowed it down yet.’ If you have not chosen a target group to market your services to, you are making things much more difficult for yourself to grow your VA business. Narrowing down to serve a target market is an important part of your business planning. Without knowing who your customers are, it will be naturally harder to find them. Think about the places that you shop or go to. Who are their customers? What are their products and services? Who do they cater to?… Read More »Do I Really Need A Target Market as a VA?

Be Interesting, and Interested, When Networking

If I were to ask you what you do, how would you respond? There are lot of different situations you might be asked that in, so to be fair what I mean is if I meet you at a business event (online or in person), how would you respond? Many VAs I know don’t handle this most important question well. Our instinct, or perhaps what we have been taught somewhere along the line, is that we need to respond with a well-rehearsed elevator pitch. I hate elevator pitches. Sorry to be so blunt, but I think they ruin conversation. Real conversation. You start by saying you are a Virtual Assistant (which may even confuse the person you are having the… Read More »Be Interesting, and Interested, When Networking

10 Places to Get Virtual Assistant Clients

Did you get a new Virtual Assistant client this week? If you didn’t say YES, then I’m so glad you are here reading this article. Most VAs would love to answer YES! to that question, but so many can not. To find a new client, you need to do two things: 1) Know where your clients are. 2) Reach out to them. There are plenty of places you can find your next client. The best thing to do is to build a system into your business where you can find new clients easily in a few different places. And then you need to network! Online, offline, start getting out to events and really connecting with people to fill your pipeline.… Read More »10 Places to Get Virtual Assistant Clients

Get Virtual Assistant Clients By Watching What You Say

The easiest way to get VA clients is to talk to business owners that you think you can help. By connecting with potential clients daily, the numbers will eventually work in your favour. Why? Because more connections = more clients. But did you know that what you are saying when you are not actively networking can make or break your client list? Clients who are looking for a VA may find you before you know it. And what you are saying can have a big impact on whether they will want to work with you or not. Have a look at what you are putting out there – start with your social media profiles, but think about the conversations you… Read More »Get Virtual Assistant Clients By Watching What You Say

Networking: Making Connections is Essential to Growing Your VA Business

Networking is all about making connections and building relationships. The more people you talk to about your VA business, the more clients you will find. Does the thought of networking make you anxious? Many Virtual Assistants feel anxiety around the whole idea of networking. They say it feels salesy – attending events, shaking hands, making elevator pitches. In fact, a lot of VAs I know simply avoid networking completely – and then wonder why they struggle to build their business. If you treat every networking opportunity like it’s speed dating, you will grow to dislike it. And you will definitely have a tough time finding clients. You can’t expect to meet someone and sign them right away. You have to… Read More »Networking: Making Connections is Essential to Growing Your VA Business

One Networking Tactic Helps You Find More VA Clients

My network isn’t big enough, and other excuses VAs make for not having clients. If your VA business is struggling, it’s probably because you don’t have enough clients. It’s actually one of the biggest problems that VAs tell me they have in their business. When I ask them why they don’t have enough clients, one of the most common excuses is that their network is not big enough. They say they don’t know enough people to get great clients. What’s the answer to that? It’s simpler than you think: Grow your network. Stop using the fact that you don’t have very many followers as an excuse for not having enough clients.  If you need more followers or connections, you must go… Read More »One Networking Tactic Helps You Find More VA Clients

Make Sure You Don’t Miss The Point!

When you are in a conversation with someone, are you really listening to what they are saying? Or are you just waiting for your turn to jump in and speak? Or even worse, are you just looking to point out their errors? If you do any of these things, you are not alone. But you should try to stop. A long time ago in a performance evaluation I got told by our HR Director that I didn’t wait long enough after someone else spoke to respond. I hadn’t noticed it before, but as I reflected on what she said, I realized she was right. I was a fast responder! She said that my mind worked very quickly and that I made… Read More »Make Sure You Don’t Miss The Point!