virtual assistant

Do You Know Your Value?

It’s easy to say that you know your value, but you could be sabotaging yourself and your business by not paying enough attention to this very important item. By setting the proper value on the services you provide, you will set your rates where you can charge what you deserve and also be successful. How do you know if you are charging enough?

Nurture Your Most Important Asset

When you work from home, sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the ‘liberty’ of it all – setting your own work hours, not having to commute, and working when you want to work. And while all of those things are in fact true and very possible … in order to grow a really successful business, you also need to realize that your business growth depends on you, and only you.

Who Is Your Ideal Client?

I had a conversation with a VA last week who was trying to decide who her ideal client was. She had selected a market to work with that she thought would be a ‘good market’ because they needed a lot of support.

Are You Putting Out the Right Message?

The other day I was shopping and came into the same aisle as a young family – Dad, Mom and Toddler. The Mom was pushing the cart, the Dad was looking on the shelves, and the Toddler got in the way of the cart Mom was trying to push around the corner. She immediately yelled, “That’s enough of this crap! You’re getting in the cart!” and proceeded to pick up the Toddler and dump him in the cart. He started to cry, and she continued, “It’s not a punishment, it’s just the way it has to be.” … Huh? Not a punishment? Then why the yelling and the dumping?

Smart Tips About Tracking Your VA Task Time

Whether you are just getting started in your VA business, or whether you are looking to grow, you will need to have a solid time tracking system in place. Effectively and accurately tracking your time is something that seems easy to do, but can just as easily get out of control if you let it.

Five Things To Consider To Keep Your Focus

As the seasons change, it’s a good time to step back and check out your business to see if things are going the way you want them to go. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day tasks you need to do. Don’t forget to stop and have a look around to be sure you are staying on track.