Choosing a Target Market Is Essential For Your Success as a VA

Many VAs I talk to say say no, when I ask them this question.

I know why – you don’t want to turn down any clients. Money is money. I get that!

But choosing a target market is not about limiting who you WORK with. It’s about limiting who you MARKET to.

I used to have a sales job in a courier company (a lonnnng time ago). I hated so much about it. Sales sucks. Selling sucks. It’s sleezy and pushy. Right?

If you are trying to get someone to buy something they don’t need, that’s sleezy.

If you are trying to convince someone to use your services who doesn’t think they need them, that’s pushy. 

But connecting with people who actually need (and want!) your services – and selling them – is not sleezy or pushy. It’s actually helpful.

They need your help. They are looking for your help. All you are doing is letting them know you are available to help them.

Choose a group of people who need your services (some of them will be ready, some of them won’t be quite yet, but at some point they will be).

Compile a suite of services that they need in their business.

Write your marketing content to talk about what you do and how you can help them.

Invite them to sales conversations when the time is right.

It’s really as simple as that.

Targeting a group of people to market to – whether it’s financial planners, or the local BNI or Chamber of Commerce, just means focusing your attention on a specific group of people.

When your copy on social media, in your newsletter, and on your website are all congruent and talk about financial planners and how you support them, financial planners will hear your message loud and clear and will know that you can help them with their business.

When you are connecting with them on a regular basis through social media groups or in person, you will have solid conversations with them and nurture your relationships with them – you will earn their trust.

That’s why a target market is so important – you get very focused on providing service to specific people (hopefully lots of them) and you will get clients easily.

Of course that doesn’t mean if a graphic artist comes along who needs your help that you have to turn them down – you can work with anyone you choose. But you have to MARKET to a focused group of people to make your message heard.

Choose your target market today, and watch how focus can really help you grow your VA business. No sleaze necessary!

For my best tip on how to get more clients in your Virtual Assistant business, watch this free training video: The Simplest Way to Build Your VA Business.

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