mindset tips for vas

7 Business Lessons I Learned From High School

Have you ever thought about your high school days, and wondered what kinds of lessons you may have left on the table? High school is such a formative time in everyone’s life, and sometimes the underlying messages that we are taught doesn’t stick with us into adult life … at least not until we sit back to reflect on them. I have been thinking about my high school days lately, and realizing that there are many lessons that I learned in high school that are very relevant to my business now, if I just look at them from a different perspective. Think about it – the lyrics to all the songs you used to listen to in high school just… Read More »7 Business Lessons I Learned From High School

Exactly what do you do? (Hint: I’m a Virtual Assistant is not the right answer!)

So you are probably out there, doing some networking, and getting to know people. How do you respond when people ask you what you do? I have seen this handled many ways, but mostly this is the response that VAs come up with: I am a Virtual Assistant. And then you sit back and wait for them to ask you what that means. You have already confused your prospect. Being a Virtual Assistant is what you do, but it doesn’t tell anyone what you actually can do for them, which is really what their question is all about. So what you need to do is to craft a more succinct message that explains what you do without being the dreaded… Read More »Exactly what do you do? (Hint: I’m a Virtual Assistant is not the right answer!)

Shift the way you think and get more VA clients!

When you are preparing your marketing materials for your business, it’s important to have those speak to your ideal clients. You want them to be able to read over your web page or blog or sales page or brochure and think ‘yes, I NEED that!’. But sometimes getting the language just right is a difficult task.

Your Money Staircase

When you first get started as a Virtual Assistant, you earn money by charging clients for your services. This is usually the only stream of revenue that you have for your business in the beginning. Some people never have any others, but there are many other ways you can earn revenue in your business, above trading your time for money with clients.

Shorten Your Path to Success

In order to grow your business to the level of success that you want, you need to formulate a plan that will get you there with the least amount of resistance. How do you do that? Easy. You work with someone who has been in your shoes, and who is at (or past!) a level of success that you want to achieve.

Do You Know Your Value?

It’s easy to say that you know your value, but you could be sabotaging yourself and your business by not paying enough attention to this very important item. By setting the proper value on the services you provide, you will set your rates where you can charge what you deserve and also be successful. How do you know if you are charging enough?

Are You Putting Out the Right Message?

The other day I was shopping and came into the same aisle as a young family – Dad, Mom and Toddler. The Mom was pushing the cart, the Dad was looking on the shelves, and the Toddler got in the way of the cart Mom was trying to push around the corner. She immediately yelled, “That’s enough of this crap! You’re getting in the cart!” and proceeded to pick up the Toddler and dump him in the cart. He started to cry, and she continued, “It’s not a punishment, it’s just the way it has to be.” … Huh? Not a punishment? Then why the yelling and the dumping?

Five Things To Consider To Keep Your Focus

As the seasons change, it’s a good time to step back and check out your business to see if things are going the way you want them to go. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day tasks you need to do. Don’t forget to stop and have a look around to be sure you are staying on track.