virtual assistant business strategy

Are You Just Wasting Your Time?

Do you ever look up at the end of a day and wonder where the time went? Losing time is very common for Virtual Assistants – and anyone who works on their own, or from their home. With no one around but us, it can be easy to start a task and not really keep track of where the time has gone. I’m not really talking about client work – if you aren’t keeping track of that, that’s bad! I’m talking about when you are not working on client work. Maybe you are on social media, maybe you are writing blog posts or creating content. Many VAs I know do not set blocks of time to get these types of… Read More »Are You Just Wasting Your Time?

The Simplest Way to Build Your Virtual Assistant Business

Take a step back for a moment and have a look at your VA business. How many clients do you have? How do they work with you? How do they pay you? Are you making as much as you expected to make? Are you happy with the tasks you are doing every day? Sometimes the answer to that last question is yes, sometimes it’s no, and sometimes it’s a bit of both. Today I challenge you to really look at your business and ask yourself these questions. Especially if you are not happy! If you don’t have enough clients, you need a plan to get new ones. If you are still offering a laundry list of tasks for your clients,… Read More »The Simplest Way to Build Your Virtual Assistant Business

3 Easy Steps to Creating Packages for Your Virtual Assistant Services

Do you want to create packages for your virtual assistant services, but don’t know how? If you don’t know how to do it, it’s time to learn! It’s vital to create packages of virtual assistant services for your clients. It helps you to manage their workload, it allows you to set appropriate pricing instead of working by the hour, and it helps you avoid a laundry list of service offerings, to name a few benefits! It’s a tricky thing, to estimate how much you will charge for a certain amount of work. No one wants to lose money by undercharging. And no one wants to have a conversation with a client about increasing rates, especially if you have just moved… Read More »3 Easy Steps to Creating Packages for Your Virtual Assistant Services

Do I Really Need a Virtual Assistant Niche?

It seems one of the most controversial topics about being a VA is whether you need to specialize, or ‘niche’, your services. The conversations take place in networking situations, often started by newer Virtual Assistants who honestly don’t know what they should provide as services. More seasoned VAs are quite opinionated about the answer – and it’s largely due to the circumstances of their own experiences (which of course, is exactly where our opinions come from!). To Niche or Not to Niche? There are two schools of thought on this: School #1 says that you can offer any services you know how to do to any clients and build a bigger and better business. This group believes that your business… Read More »Do I Really Need a Virtual Assistant Niche?

What’s Your Morning Routine as a VA?

I have had several conversations about routines lately. I guess at this time of the year it can be challenging to get back into the swing of things after taking some time off for the holidays. Do you have a morning routine? The conversation I started was about your business routine, but certainly a lot of people talked about getting up early to work out, or walk pets, or read before getting started on work. I don’t have a real morning routine per se, but I do make a point of doing one thing: I do a whole hour of business work before I ever check email and voicemail. Every single morning.  I learned a long time ago that getting up and… Read More »What’s Your Morning Routine as a VA?

What’s working in your virtual assistant business? What’s not?

Ah the end of the year…! It brings with it mixed emotions for many. Sometimes we can get excited about the coming year and what’s in store for us. Sometimes it’s a time to reflect on what didn’t go right. Let’s face it, when you are doing your year end reports, sometimes they don’t look as great as you had hoped. Maybe you didn’t make as much money as you had expected. Maybe your expenses got out of control, and your profit is down. Maybe you worked really hard and are now in a position to need help but overwhelmed about how to do that. There are lots of emotions at play. I like to break this whole activity down… Read More »What’s working in your virtual assistant business? What’s not?

What I have learned (and from whom!) – a peek behind my VA business curtain!

I am a big advocate of professional development in business. I believe that in order to keep growing, you need to keep learning. And it’s definitely why I choose to teach! Of course in order to grow from your learning, you need to implement what you learn into your business. So although I suggest learning as much as you can, you still need to monitor what you are doing (especially the free stuff which can get out of control quickly!) so that you are only doing as much as you can implement. There will always be another social media class or planning day, but if you can’t put into practice what you are learning then you should think twice about… Read More »What I have learned (and from whom!) – a peek behind my VA business curtain!

Who Inspires You in your VA Business?

Who inspires you in your business? When we work alone all day, every day, sometimes inspiration is something that eludes us. At least on a regular basis. It’s important for Virtual Assistants to connect with people who inspire to do well, to build, to grow, or to do whatever it is you want to do with your business. I am on the mailing lists and in the social media groups of many, many people that I look to for inspiration. Sometimes I need inspiration to know that I am on the right path. Sometimes it’s to help me find my way through a period of growth. And sometimes it’s just to help me keep my mindset in a positive space.… Read More »Who Inspires You in your VA Business?