virtual assistant business strategy

The Best Way to Charge Your Clients for Virtual Assistant Services

Setting your rates as you get your VA business started is always a challenge. You don’t want to overcharge, but you also need to be very cautious not to undercharge. You also need to be sure to provide the right amount of value for your client, while making sure that your business is profitable. Easy, right? It actually is easier than you think, once you have a strategy for charging your clients. Calculating your billable rate is important no matter how you charge your clients, but it’s also essential to figure out the best way for your clients to pay you. When you start out, hourly rates are a great way to charge clients. Often you will be doing tasks… Read More »The Best Way to Charge Your Clients for Virtual Assistant Services

5 Ways for Virtual Assistants to Produce Content More Easily

How does it make you feel when somebody says you should be creating content daily on your VA social media channels? Does that hair on the back of your neck stand up? Many Virtual Assistants get paralyzed by the idea of creating content – writing blogs, doing videos, putting out social media. Why is this? Because they don’t know what to write about. Or maybe because they don’t have a content plan. When you don’t really have a plan to do something, it can fail miserably. It can also take 10x as long to do it – which means you could be wasting valuable time every day. If you are sitting down every morning trying to figure out what to… Read More »5 Ways for Virtual Assistants to Produce Content More Easily

Are you doing too much?

When it comes to running your business, are you doing too much? Too much networking. Too much marketing. Too much project management. Too much time tracking. Too much research. Your time comes into play in every aspect of your business. The fact is that we all have the same amount of time (168 hours a week!), but it’s how we use that time that makes or breaks our efforts, no matter what we are doing. One of the mistakes I see Virtual Assistants make all the time is cramming a lot of stuff into a short period of time. For instance, when we talk about networking, they will say they spend hours a day connecting with people. When we talk… Read More »Are you doing too much?

3 More Reasons Your Business is Stuck (and how to fix them!)

Last week we talked about 3 ways your business is stuck and what to do about them. Feeling stuck in your business manifests itself in many ways: lack of revenue, lack of clients (or lack of good clients), exhaustion, burnout, and more. No matter what is making you feel stuck, you just need to focus on one problem at a time and fix it. So what is keeping you stuck? As I promised, here are three more reasons!  1. You are focused on your rate, and not your value.  Virtual Assistants are service professionals, and so it can be very common to trade time for money. It’s also a really easy way to set your business up when you first… Read More »3 More Reasons Your Business is Stuck (and how to fix them!)

3 Reasons Your Business is Stuck (and what you can do about it)

Are you feeling stuck? Do you wake up every morning (or in the middle of the night!) thinking about how tired you are of trying to figure it all out? Not enough clients, not enough money, and you are beginning to dread starting your work day? I’ve got some good news for you. You’re just stuck. You don’t suck. Your business doesn’t suck. And it’s temporary. Because with a little strategy, you can pull yourself out of it, and love your business again. Here are 3 of the most common reasons that your business might be stuck (and what you can do about it!): 1. Your goals are not clear. Do you set goals in your business? Many VAs don’t,… Read More »3 Reasons Your Business is Stuck (and what you can do about it)

Are you making excuses? Or do you just need a little help?

Are you enjoying your business every day? Do you feel like a success? A lot of Virtual Assistants – no matter what stage of their business they are in –  just fly by the seat of their pants, and then they wonder why they are not successful. I hear from them every day. When I ask them how their business is going, I get a lot of the same responses I don’t know where to find clients. I am not making enough money. I’m stuck on a business name. I can’t start marketing until my website is ready. I’m still working on my logo. I’m no good at networking in person. Some of these problems are just excuses to not start… Read More »Are you making excuses? Or do you just need a little help?

What is your biggest struggle with your VA business?

How’s it going in your VA business? Are you happy? Fulfilled? Excited to get to work every day? Okay maybe that last one might be a stretch every day (!) but if your business is not exciting for you – and if you aren’t generally happy to do what you do, it’s time to step back and take a quick assessment. What is your biggest struggle with your VA business? When I ask VAs this I usually get the following answers: not enough clients, not enough money, not enough time to market or network … that type of thing. It’s always a matter of not enough of one thing and too much of another. Many of these problems have very simple solutions.… Read More »What is your biggest struggle with your VA business?

Get 3 New Virtual Assistant Clients in 30 Days

Are you looking for new Virtual Assistant clients? In business, you should always be looking for new clients, even if you are at capacity. But if you are a VA and you don’t have enough clients, it is stressful. I’ve been there. Most of us have been there at some point. You can’t have a business if you don’t have clients. So what do you do when you feel like you are looking all day, every day, and still coming up short? You need to reassess your strategy. (It’s not working!) If you really think you are spending all day looking for clients, and you are not getting any, then there is something fundamentally wrong with what you are doing to… Read More »Get 3 New Virtual Assistant Clients in 30 Days